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I wanted to post a separate topic on this. I plan on posting my best knowledge also on Omega 3 fish oil high dose pharmaceutical grade too, but first things first.


I did a great deal of reading a few years ago about Candida infections and how they can mess with your brain etc.


If you have a PANDAS child on prophylactic antibiotics pay attention.


The antibiotics are going to kill all the bacteria in the digestive tract. This is BAD because there are good bacteria that keep yeast from growing unabated. Antibiotics kill the good as well as the bad.


What do you do?


Give probiotics. You need to start planting grass after you've killed everthing in your yard, but what about the weeds?


Oil of Oregano is the personal favorite of the deceased Dr. Atkins of Atkins Diet fame. Like him or not, he was a brilliant doctor. He had strong feelings about Candida and how it would stop some people from losing weight on the Atkins Diet.




He hated all the treatments for Candida, especially some prescription treatment that didn't work that well.


He said by far the best treatment for Candida yeast infections is Oil of Oregano.


Most Oil of Oregano is garbage. You need to get this with very high Carvacrol content. This is the active ingredient.


The sweet spot is the strongest Carvacol per ml at the lowest cost. I found this years ago and bought enough to keep me yeast free for years. Only a few drops mixed with olive oil make a devil's brew that will kill Candida.


This is NASTY stuff. Imagine Oregano Oil mutated from Habanero peppers. Raw oil will burn your mouth worse than the strongest peppers you've ever eaten.


Mixed with olive oil it is tolerable. You use an eye dropper and put about six drops under the tongue so it goes into the blood stream quicker.


Bye bye Candida yeast. It is also considered a VERY powerful antibiotic. So, it may kill some bacteria that other treatments are missing.


Here's a link to where I bought mine with the additional eyedropper bottle: http://www.se1.us/health/oregano/


It's $20 bucks an ounce. You have to dilute this at least ten to one or risk blistering your mouth. It's 85% carvacol, the strongest you can possibly buy.


This is your best possible cure for yeast infections. Trust me.


I wanted to post a separate topic on this. I plan on posting my best knowledge also on Omega 3 fish oil high dose pharmaceutical grade too, but first things first.


I did a great deal of reading a few years ago about Candida infections and how they can mess with your brain etc.


If you have a PANDAS child on prophylactic antibiotics pay attention.


The antibiotics are going to kill all the bacteria in the digestive tract. This is BAD because there are good bacteria that keep yeast from growing unabated. Antibiotics kill the good as well as the bad.


What do you do?


Give probiotics. You need to start planting grass after you've killed everthing in your yard, but what about the weeds?


Oil of Oregano is the personal favorite of the deceased Dr. Atkins of Atkins Diet fame. Like him or not, he was a brilliant doctor. He had strong feelings about Candida and how it would stop some people from losing weight on the Atkins Diet.




He hated all the treatments for Candida, especially some prescription treatment that didn't work that well.


He said by far the best treatment for Candida yeast infections is Oil of Oregano.


Most Oil of Oregano is garbage. You need to get this with very high Carvacrol content. This is the active ingredient.


The sweet spot is the strongest Carvacol per ml at the lowest cost. I found this years ago and bought enough to keep me yeast free for years. Only a few drops mixed with olive oil make a devil's brew that will kill Candida.


This is NASTY stuff. Imagine Oregano Oil mutated from Habanero peppers. Raw oil will burn your mouth worse than the strongest peppers you've ever eaten.


Mixed with olive oil it is tolerable. You use an eye dropper and put about six drops under the tongue so it goes into the blood stream quicker.


Bye bye Candida yeast. It is also considered a VERY powerful antibiotic. So, it may kill some bacteria that other treatments are missing.


Here's a link to where I bought mine with the additional eyedropper bottle: http://www.se1.us/health/oregano/


It's $20 bucks an ounce. You have to dilute this at least ten to one or risk blistering your mouth. It's 85% carvacol, the strongest you can possibly buy.


This is your best possible cure for yeast infections. Trust me.

We put our oil of oregano in veggie caps! You can get the empty veggie caps, put a few drops in, close it and swallow... No more dealing with the horrible taste! Well, call me crazy but I kind of like it in hot water, works great for sinus infections!




It can decrease the efficacy of antibiotics, so you need to be careful. Also, I've read it can be hard of the liver if taken a long time.


Hi Dave:


Thanks for the oil of oregano tip. I am wondering if you have been able to give this type of oil of oregano to your daughter Blake or if it is too strong tasting for her to tolerate? My kids will swallow pills, but my son has a hard time with swallowing liquids that taste bad.


We have also had great success with the high dose probiotics. Both of my children take between 300 to 500 billion units a day of probiotics and their digestive tracts and yeast issues have been better now, even though they are on antibiotics, than they have ever been in their childhood.


Thanks again!





We have also had great success with the high dose probiotics. Both of my children take between 300 to 500 billion units a day of probiotics and their digestive tracts and yeast issues have been better now, even though they are on antibiotics, than they have ever been in their childhood.


Thanks again!




Holy cow! How the heck do you get that much into them? I'm shooting for 20B-40B with 2-3 capsules and hoping DS doesn't balk. What's your secret?


I buy the 50 billion unit capsules from our nutritionist (which are from Klaire Labs) and they take between 6 to 10 capsules every night. These capsules are not very big and they take them in about 30 seconds. At first I bribed my son with computer time, etc.... Whatever it took to make him take them and now they are so used to taking them that it is no big deal.


Some parents have more success with the Custom Probiotics powder form which you can mix into applesauce, etc.... My son can always taste it and that never worked for us. The Klaire Lab capsule are much more expensive than the Custom Probiotic capsules, but they are smaller.


We also incorporate the high doses of charcoal pills, which really helps. Whenever I see an increase in symptoms, I add the charcoal into the mix. I think the bentonite clay is better, but my son will not drink it and will take the pills.




I buy the 50 billion unit capsules from our nutritionist (which are from Klaire Labs) and they take between 6 to 10 capsules every night. These capsules are not very big and they take them in about 30 seconds. At first I bribed my son with computer time, etc.... Whatever it took to make him take them and now they are so used to taking them that it is no big deal.


Some parents have more success with the Custom Probiotics powder form which you can mix into applesauce, etc.... My son can always taste it and that never worked for us. The Klaire Lab capsule are much more expensive than the Custom Probiotic capsules, but they are smaller.


We also incorporate the high doses of charcoal pills, which really helps. Whenever I see an increase in symptoms, I add the charcoal into the mix. I think the bentonite clay is better, but my son will not drink it and will take the pills.





My daughter is the same way...she won't take it if she can taste it. She can also only swallow very small pills. I have her on 1 adult scoop of the Custom Probiotcs mixed in applesauce with Lots of Cinnamon but if I increase, she can taste it. Can you give me the brand name of the Probiotic and Charcoal pills? On a side note for all, Whole Fields WILL let you return opened products if you mention your child can't tolerate the taste...even foods.



Hi Melinda:


I buy the probiotics directly from our nutritionist, but in her book she says you can buy them directly from Prothera at 775-850-8800 and you will need to use the authorization cod #276 to place the order. Again, these 50 billion unit capsules are around $50 for a bottle of 60 while the Custom Probiotic capsules can end up being $40 for a bottle of 90 capsules at the same strength. Again, the Custom Probiotics capsules are just too big for my kids to swallow.


I have to say that since we started the whole "gut repair" program in conjunction with the antibiotics, my children have had zero digestive issues.




Hi Melinda:


I buy the probiotics directly from our nutritionist, but in her book she says you can buy them directly from Prothera at 775-850-8800 and you will need to use the authorization cod #276 to place the order. Again, these 50 billion unit capsules are around $50 for a bottle of 60 while the Custom Probiotic capsules can end up being $40 for a bottle of 90 capsules at the same strength. Again, the Custom Probiotics capsules are just too big for my kids to swallow.


I have to say that since we started the whole "gut repair" program in conjunction with the antibiotics, my children have had zero digestive issues.




Thanks Elizabeth! I'll look into them. How about the charcoal brand? Again, mixing 1 Tbsp daily into applesauce but can't seem to increase. She is starting to get tired of the daily applesauce.


I usually buy Activated Charcoal pills from Vitacost online. They are the cheapest. I don't think the brand matters as much with the Acitivated Charcoal. Currently we are using Solaray Activated Charcoal from Whole Foods. I have to say that when we were doing monthly IVIG's (which we stopped doing), the Activated Charcoal did wonders. I think this is because my son had lyme disease and he was herxing too much from the IVIG's.




Hi Dave:


Thanks for the oil of oregano tip. I am wondering if you have been able to give this type of oil of oregano to your daughter Blake or if it is too strong tasting for her to tolerate? My kids will swallow pills, but my son has a hard time with swallowing liquids that taste bad.


We have also had great success with the high dose probiotics. Both of my children take between 300 to 500 billion units a day of probiotics and their digestive tracts and yeast issues have been better now, even though they are on antibiotics, than they have ever been in their childhood.


Thanks again!




Blake has never had oil of oregano because she's never been on antibiotics for more than a short period. I anticipate that it will be difficult at first. Putting it in capsules will be better, but we may have no choice. This would be a short term treatment for yeast infections. When the yeast is dead then it's over.



Blake has never had oil of oregano because she's never been on antibiotics for more than a short period. I anticipate that it will be difficult at first. Putting it in capsules will be better, but we may have no choice. This would be a short term treatment for yeast infections. When the yeast is dead then it's over.


I'm wondering how you all know that your child has a yeast issue? We are on daily abx & are taking a 40 billion cell probiotic capsule each afternoon. I haven't seen a difference with DS one way or the other because he never really had digestion problems that were obvious to begin with. Not to say that I don't think it is probably since he had so many ear infections & strep infections that he was often on abx when he was younger. I think I may increase the probiotic to two capsules. I have oil of oregano but I haven't given it to him because I don't really know what symptoms to be looking for.


Also, how long would you give the oil of oregano for? How would you know the yeast was gone?


I've asked my pediatrician about candida & was told he didn't really believe in all that. Needless to say we are looking for a new pediatrician. But in the meantime I am trying to get this all figured out on my own.



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