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I am new to the site and hence decided to post my question here regarding a particular link that I had seen. The link was to physicians in your area. I live in Dallas Ft.worth and was wondering if I can get a list or link to environmental allergists/DAN doctors etc. that is on this site. If I get the information i am also willing to create a spreadsheet by state/location/zipcode that might help others.


Frankly I would rather see someone who has been recommended and who can relate their experience with this allergits/physician.







I dont know if we have other members in your area who can give personal recommendations but here is our pinned thread on Finding Medical Help




you can also Google DAN doctors for your area as often there are local databases


hopefully someone will be along soon who may have experience in your area.


( I am going to remove the duplicate of this post that you made on our Helpful Threads as that is just for links rather than questions)


Thanks. I have seen this one, but a few days ago I saw in one of the other threads (from Cheryl?)there was a link to :


Tests to be conducted


List of Physicians/DAN doctors


I was hoping to get the 2nd item and could not find the thread again...did not come up in the search criteria.




Pls see attached posting that I found from Claire...however when I hit on the link..it does not take me to the site. Does anyone know what happened to this link..not sure if it is my PC.







Advanced Member




Joined:02-November 03

Posted 29 December 2006 - 05:21 PM

Hi Sherry,


Your story about the flu shot just breaks my heart!


Given the near immediate reaction to it and the TV sensitivity, I think that toxic mercury is a likely scenario.


DAN doctors and other alternative physicians deal with elevated mercury. We treated our son's with antioxidants and it was amazing how it truly addressed the light/photosentivity. We never did chelation, which some here have done. My son had food sensitivities also, but the screen removal and antioxidants and vitamin supplementation were major in long term healing.


In the meantime, minimally I would switch out all the flourscent bulbs for the full spectrum ones. GE makes a series now in the normal store (cheaper than expected) that we use.


At this age it is so easy to replace a broken TV/computer with other activities...unless you have other kids of course. If removal is not feasible, and you have read my other posts on this, you would see that getting a small 15" screen LCD and having him view it across a well lit room can help. Though at your son's age, I bet he watches cartoons and the graphic movement is part of that trigger. The time needs to be limited. For my son, he was so sensitive that we needed complete removal until the antioxidant and vitamin supplements did their job. Our computer broke during that time period and I just didn't fix it! I know that you know this is a trigger, but only after a week to 10 days without screens can you truly tell exactly what his baseline is without the trigger. For us it was 100%, for others it has been a range. But if it is that major, removal can provide his little body peace, and then you can reintroduce to see exactly what he can tolerate. Booktapes and building blocks are wonderful!


If you don't know, antioxidants are a key part of metal removal.


List of alternative doctors---really, most of us end up with alternative doctors in the end...




Lists of tests to ID immune issues



For KNOWN photosensitivity and highly likely toxic mercury, I recommend these right away:


No doctor's signature needed:

- www.pyroluriatesting.com Pyroluria test (creates B6, zinc deficiencies which cause other problems) $45 + shipping. IMO, pyroluria is a secondary condition, showing oxidative stress. My son's was 'cured' when we treated other issues. But it is a great indicator of something going on.

- laboratoire Philippe Auguste (email to get kit sent at contact@labbio.net) urine test for mercury and lead toxicity. Excellent test, posted by Kim. $115 plus $2.50 normal mail to France.

- directlabs.com DoctorsData hair test for metals (mercury, lead, arsenic, aluminum, etc) [beware of false negatives, but not false positives] $90 May not be needed if you do the urine test.

- Directlabs.com blood test for zinc, copper, calcium, lead, iron/ferritin (some of these aren't listed, you must call and ask for Laurie x204 to order some of them...not all are listed). Hmm, I think these run about $200

- Spectracell blood test for vitamin and antioxidant deficiencies Antioxidant deficiencies can highlight oxidative stress and potential metal issues. $300 if pre-paid.


Needs doctor signature

-food sensitivity IgG test that includes a gluten/casein test--

- there is a blood test for metals, including mercury that will show recent toxic exposure...depending on how long ago the shot was. Great Smokies does this. www.directlabs.com may do one with no signature


God bless and good luck. Please keep us posted.



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