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I have been MIA lately- I started a new job the day before we did IVIG for my son and have been SUPER busy. So far so good! We have had some flare ups- you can tell it is from turning back the pages- but they did not last long. He seems able to pull himself out of it faster than before. He had an episode of cognitive inflexibility the other night and was able to tell me "if he did not play the video game by himself before midnight he would go crazy, he went crazy in the past if he did not do what he said he was going to do"...shedding so much light on past meltdowns before we realized the OCD stuck thinking was involved. We got through it without him playing and without him "going crazy" and were able to talk about it in the morning and he agreed he was able to not do it and he did not go crazy!! He beamed with pride :)

He and his sister get along better- I would say their squabbles are more normal sibling stuff with an occasional PANDAS flare involved. Still a little hyper, a little manic sometimes. The "touchy" thing is almost undetectable- (He had to touch things on both sides evenly) I see it because I know what to look for- only sometimes but for the most part it is GONE!!! He even said he could wear shorts without pockets- previously he needed pockets to be able to put his hands in to keep them busy.

He asked to play Lacrosse again the other day and he even rode his bike- He still talks 100 miles a minute and thinks too fast for most people but that is probably just part of who he is- he is also making friends at camp!!


So we are very pleased- I know we have a long way to go but there is an overall happiness to him that I love seeing!

Thanks for all your support to get us to where we are!









Brandy this is terrific news! I am so happy for you and your little boy...well your whole family!!!! I am so sorry I didn't get to meet you while we were in town. I am sure there will be more time soon though! Keep us posted on all the improvements!!!


I know when I was in the midst of a bad spell with my son it was the positive posts that gave me hope- he really is doing so much better- once again- NO touchy at ALL today- at least that I saw- he also seemed a lot calmer. oh another thing today he was looking at something and said what is 3x3x3 I said you can figure that out what is 3x3 the next thing you know he said Oh 27---the math is coming back!!

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