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Even though Dannys anger rage thing is 100xxx better he still gets them.They last 5 minutes and its usually stomping or banging a table.Oh and cursing (lots) Then right after hes great ,so ON great conversations ,singing dancing(michael jackson fan),


What up with that I almost want to antaginize him before we are going to go somewhere so hes happier???




YES!!! I was talking about the same thing today. Yesterday I was in tears standing outside my son's door as he raged, cussing, screaming, threatening, throwing things...then he heard me sniffling and asked who was doing that and he was suddenly sorry and calm and sweet. I commented to his dad today that he can sustain like an 80% level of aggravation/irritability for infinity but sometimes just going all the way seems to be what brings relief. While I'm VERY relieved that the calm happened, I'm also very saddened to think about what he goes through. It has been the Roughest 2-3 weeks we've had in a long time. My son is 7.


I hope some other parents have some input!


We definitely had a pattern, it sometimes was worth the 'bad' moments to know that you had that moment of peace. We would sometimes have a DAY of peace, that was always nice. But weird how it became predictable. The bad never became predictable, but as you said the 'calm after the storm' was.

But with rage begin my son's primary symptom we spent a lot of time evaluating what happened to trigger the rage. We kind of considered that his 'OCD'. It was a thing of life not happening the way his mind said it should happen (whether people didn't respond the way he thought they should or if situations didn't pan out) but it was about control sort of.

He is 3 months post 2nd IVIG and is doing well. Seeing tiny little triggers every now and then. I'm not confident PANDAS is gone forever, but I sure am enjoying the break. I about lost my mind during all of this. Definitely PTSD for me after the PANDAS.


I agree witht he OCD causing the rage /anger.Its as simple as his ipod not sinking with itunes.



I don't want to jinx myself, but thankfully, my daughters does not rage as much or as long as she did before starting abx more than 3months ago. But I can vividly remember her sweetly skipping and singing up the street, her braids bouncing back and forth, like a normal, happy 7 year old girl. This was after a rage that had lasted well over an hour, with screamiing, crying, bangin, and words such as "I wish I weren't alive."


I remember thinking to myself "what the !@#$!" And that was not the only time there was calm/happiness after a rage.


She drew a picture once for me, too, that I'll try to explain. She drew a box that was supposed to be her brain/head. She said she could feel "OCD" coming in and drew and arrow pointing toward the top right hand corner and wrote the words "uh oh, bad." Then, out of the bottom left hand corner she drew a shower spout with water coming out of it and wrote the words "bye, bye, good"


She was describing her OCD or "Ollie the Poopster." But the rages went hand in hand...


  melanie said:
Even though Dannys anger rage thing is 100xxx better he still gets them.They last 5 minutes and its usually stomping or banging a table.Oh and cursing (lots) Then right after hes great ,so ON great conversations ,singing dancing(michael jackson fan),


What up with that I almost want to antaginize him before we are going to go somewhere so hes happier???



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