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Hi I'm connor


it is embarrasing during school-time when I tic.

when I take the vitamins I know that they stop my tic.

how one day I took the vitamins and my tic stopped for six week's.

TV make's my TS worse.


I would like it if other kid's wrote back to me

from connor :huh:


Hi Connor


My name is Will. I used to be embarrassed when I ticced. My mom gives me vitamins too to help me stop. TV makes my tics worse too. I can't eat certain things and it kind of bugs me. The thing that I hate the most that I can't have is corn syrup because all the candy that I want has corn syrup in it. My mom makes cookies for me instead of candy for a treat. My mom said you live in Australia. I live in Canada. If you send an email to my mom through this site, I can give you my email address if you would like. I am 8 years old.




Howdy Conner and Will,

My name is Dylan. I am almost 10 years old and live in the United States in Texas. I also have TS and ADD. TV and gameboy make my tics worse too. I also have been taking vitamins and they make me tic less and help me finish my work in school. It bugs me too that I can't eat certain foods. I'm about to start a special diet and I do not look forward to it. I mostly should not eat candy but sometimes my Mom lets me get away with it. What kind of special diet are you on? What is your favorite color? Do you play sports? My favorite sport is soccer! My team is in first place! We are called "The Heat". My best friend is also on my team. What is it like in Australia and Canada? I have never been there. Have you ever been to the US? It's really hot here sometimes. It doesn't snow very much in Texas. I look forward to hearing from ya'll!

Dylan :D


Hi Dylan,

Connor was really excited to get your email,

he will reply, but he's away for a few days. When all you guys start chatting you'll be able to learn heaps about geography!


I'm Connor's mum and I would also be interested to learn about Texas as I have a business trip coming up in February. I will need to know what sort of weather you will have then, so I can pack my clothes. It will be really hot in Australia at that time of year. :wub:


Mrs. Ausclaire,

We usually have cold weather in February but sometimes it suprises us and turns warm. I look forward to hearing from Conner when he comes back. Please tell him to write to me.



I just wanted to let you know that I did not get your e-mail. I also look forward to hearing from you and learning more about Canada!


Dylan :wub:


Hi Dylan


My name is connor, I am 9 years old.

My favourite game is soccer too.

In Australia it is spring.

My best friend is Stephen, he is on my team too.

My favourite colour is red, blue and purple.

I take vitamins too. they also help my ts to.


I am also on a diet too, the only fruit I am allowed is pears.

TV makes my ts worse too.

my name is spelt C o n n o r.


Australia is a BIG country with a big desert.

Do you have any brothers or sisters?

I have two brothers that are younger then me.

Do you like school?

I only like school if we are going on an field trip, like our camp trip for 5days and another camp for 2 days.


Hope to hear from you soon

<_< From Connor




Awsome topic to start.... My son is in bed right now but I will have him check this topic out tomorrow. He was just telling me that he wished he could meet/talk to other kids with TS. Plus it would be nice for him to see how/where I get all my info from. I never thought to show him the site.


Thanks for sharing Connor



Hi Connor, Dylan and Will, :D ,


My name is Steven. i am olmost six yers old desembr 30. I do the tiks olso. I lev in Canada olso. Its geting cold here and you hav to get warmd ap.


I am happy to se other boys that hav tiks. Do your tiks fel betr?

My tiks fel betr sinc the vatamins and the good food r helping me. I dont lik havng the tiks. Sinc wen did you start your tiks?


I hop to her frm you. Wat kind of vitamns do you hav to tak to stop your tiks? I hop you fel good soon and I hop you hav fan at skool and I hop you hav fun in ostralia and the unitd stats and Canada.


I haftogo to scool By now. :DB)<_<:lol:

from Steven


Hi My name is Daniel,


I am 9 years old and also have TS. I live in Fremont, California. I think my TS started when I was in Kindergaten. I am not allowed to eat certain foods also and it stinks! I also take vitamins too. I don't mind taking the vitamins. I don't think that TV bothers my tics but my mom thinks it does. Sometimes I dont even know that I am ticcing.


In school sometimes I tic but I tic more at home. I think I tic more when I am bored and have nothing to concentrate on.


I am in the 4th grade

My best friends are Billy & Myles

My favorite color is Red

My favorite subjects in school is Recess, PE, & Science


I don't know any other kids with TS its nice to hear from others like me.


Please write back,

Daniel <_<


Hi Connor, Steven and Daniel,

Yes I do have a little brother <_< he is 7 years old. I kind of like school. My school does not go on overnight field trips. Do you like Yugioh or Pokemon? I love collecting the cards and dueling other kids.


My tics are better since I started taking vitamins. I think I started ticcing in Kindergarten, but my Mom and Dad did not notice until I was in second grade when they were worse. My Mom gives me Bonnie's vitamins. They have helped with my tics and attention. I have taken them for over 2 months. They help me finish my work in school. I am in the 4th grade. The work has been much harder this year than in the past.


My favorite subjects in school are exactly the same as yours Daniel! Do you think that 4th grade is harder than last year? I do! Do you go to speech class? My best friends are Cameron, Loomis, Shane, Lane and Tower. My soccer team won first place and we are going to the Tournament of Champions next month! Do you play a sport? Which one do you play? My team is called "the Heat"! We are really good at soccer. I hope to hear from all of you again! It is good to talk to other kids who understand what tics are like.


Hope to hear from you,

Dylan :D


Hi Guys,


I am playing hockey on a team called the Red Wings. My team is doing pretty good.


Dylan, I have Yugio and Pokemon cards too and I love to battle. I have a Pokemon game for my gameboy that is my favourite but my mom won't let me play it too much because it makes me tic. I hate that.


We had snow here last week but it is all gone now.


Steven, where do you live in Canada? I live in Ontario.

I hope you guys keep writing because I like to talk to people who tic like me.




Hi evryone


Will, I liv in Montreal Quebec, I hav 2 uncls that liv in Ontario. Wher in Ontario do you liv?


I am in kindergorden. It is nice to hav frends on the computer.

I lik Sponge Bob how about you?


I hav to hrry to scool now but you all can rit bak to me.

My brothr says hi.





Hi guys


I am sorry that it took so long for me to write to you.

Dylan and Will I do like yu-gi-oh. I have over 900 cards, but I am not alowd too wach it on tv.

Steven I like spunge bob but I am not alowd too wach it.


Dylan I do like poke'mon too,I have about fifty cards.

from Connor

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