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I took my son for bloodwork today. And the previous thread on bloodwork was SOOOO right on cue! It didnt' get done. They didn't know what some of it was and couldn't reach Dr. T then and there for clarification :unsure: So we have to go back.


But we were in the waiting room for about 30 minutes while the tech tried to work it out. The whole time, DS was ticcing all over the place - both motor and verbal. It seemed like every single tic I'd ever seen or heard was coming out non stop! He was barking, snorting, throat clearing, screaming, etc... one right after the other. He was blinking, licking and touching his chin to his shoulder - all while pacing and repeatedly touching the door despite my asking him not too. The door swung in and I was afraid he'd get banged if someone came in.


Has anyone seen this in their children? I know he was a bit stressed about the bloodwork, but honestly, he seems to handle it well overall. He'd MUCH prefer bloodwork to the "throat poke". I've NEVER seen him tic like that! and as soon as we left, he completely stopped!


This happened once to my son - the day he was going to sleep over science camp for his 5th grade class - 3 nites away. He woke up that morning ticcing like crazy - I was freaking out of course thinking it was and exacerbation, once we got to school it calmed down, and his teacher called me that night - gone.

Guest rkrautkramer

My child will pace, touch and tic the entire time we are in the waiting room, but once the door opens to go in the office, he can completely turn it off! I told the doctor it is like taking my car to the shop and telling the mechanic it is making a funny sound, but when they check it out, it won't make the sound. Same with my child! It is CRAZY!!!

My child will pace, touch and tic the entire time we are in the waiting room, but once the door opens to go in the office, he can completely turn it off! I told the doctor it is like taking my car to the shop and telling the mechanic it is making a funny sound, but when they check it out, it won't make the sound. Same with my child! It is CRAZY!!!


Exactly!! However, they didn't exactly stop :blink: He was really good for a long time with the tics. He completely started with the snorting tic yesterday and that hasn't stopped :) He was a MESS at Tball tonight could not stand still or pay attention for anything and he is usually good. Then we took him out for dessert afterwards and he was biting his arm in front of us, which he has NEVER done! I never saw him do it before, just the marks afterwards :(


My son did this too. Dr. K said that it has to do with excitement. When excited the blood brain barrier opens and you will see symptoms. Made sense to me.


I've heard that stress can open the BBB...maybe that's what happened. Also, I wonder if there was some strep there in the waiting room.


We had some out of the blue tics last night after spending a few hours at Chuck E. Cheese. This morning it is gone. I was thinking there may have been an exposure yesterday...


I have to say that every time I bring my son to the deli counter at the grocery store he goes NUTS! LOL! I don't know what it is and I have stopped taking him there! I was thinking the flourescent lights. Who knows!



I took my son for bloodwork today. And the previous thread on bloodwork was SOOOO right on cue! It didnt' get done. They didn't know what some of it was and couldn't reach Dr. T then and there for clarification :) So we have to go back.


But we were in the waiting room for about 30 minutes while the tech tried to work it out. The whole time, DS was ticcing all over the place - both motor and verbal. It seemed like every single tic I'd ever seen or heard was coming out non stop! He was barking, snorting, throat clearing, screaming, etc... one right after the other. He was blinking, licking and touching his chin to his shoulder - all while pacing and repeatedly touching the door despite my asking him not too. The door swung in and I was afraid he'd get banged if someone came in.


Has anyone seen this in their children? I know he was a bit stressed about the bloodwork, but honestly, he seems to handle it well overall. He'd MUCH prefer bloodwork to the "throat poke". I've NEVER seen him tic like that! and as soon as we left, he completely stopped!

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