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Good morning! This note is from your fellow forum members across the board. Your “cousins” on latitudes…PANDAS.


We will only post this once on here and will not “hijack” your discussion board, but we have something very important in the works. We have a submission in the Pepsi Refresh Project in May . We are trying to win $50,000 to go towards PANDAS research. We need your help!


P.A.N.D.A.S. stands for Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Strep. When a child contracts strep (often without classic symptoms), the antibodies that are aimed to kill the strep turn on the child and begin to attack the brain causing inflammation. This causes dramatic behavior changes. A child suddenly has OCD, tics, high anxiety, sensory issues, and more. Most doctors are not aware of the complexity of PANDAS, how it presents itself, or how to treat it. This may lead to a misdiagnosis of clinical OCD, TS, or other mental disorders. With CORRECT DIAGNOSIS and treatment, remission is possible! Currently, there is a lack of funding for PANDAS research. If we win the Pepsi Refresh Grant, the money will go to continuing research and giving kids hope.


Each vote will make a difference. Everyone can vote daily. Please pop on the website and vote. It doesn’t take long and it will really help. Thank you!


Help Kids in Crisis!

Refresh the Research! Vote Project P.A.N.D.A.S.



  • 1 month later...

Bumping this up and letting people know that we desperately need help! There are only 8 days left to vote and one of our big allies just dropped out of the race, resulting in our rank dropping over the last 2 days. We just need to maintain a top 10 ranking for a week and we will get the grant...PLEASE HELP, by voting and getting others you know to vote as well!

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