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Ticcing as an adult

Guest Ilsa Tucker

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Guest Ilsa Tucker


I came across this site while researching "tics". I do not believe I have TS however I do have a chronic tic. It will be three years in Jan. I am an adult. I have a tic (I quess it is a tic) involving my mouth. It started by licking the underside of my upper lip. I could not stop. It has evolved to other mouth/tongue behaviors. I make my tongue sore by pushing it into my teeth or any number of other similar behaviors. In the begining I would use a mouth guard to protect my tongue from my teeth and to numb the sensations, I used oragel to help the sores and numb the sensation. I now chew gum much of the time.


I have been to my med. doc., my chiropractor, a neurologist, a dentist, a hypnotist, a phycologist, a shrink (sorry, easier to spell), and a couple of different homeopathic practitioners.


I am on an antidepressant that helps but does not rid me of ticcing.


You have so much information on your site is is hard to know where to begin. My symptoms are best when I am fully occupied. Both mentally and physically. It does not need to be rocket science, just both mind and body occuppied.


I noticed information on your site about, allergies, heavy metals, thimersol, and mold.


I have received flu vaccines, Hepa. B vaccines, wear contacts (but to my knowledge all chems I use have no thimersol) and have has some serious mold issues in my house (although I'm not sure they were there 3 years ago. I worked in a machine shop when the symptoms started. I also have thyroid issues.


All that give you enough to work with. Where do I begin?

Thanks a million

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Hi Ilsa and welcome ^_^


what you are describing may well be a tic, but also sounds to me like it might be OCD (Obsessive Compulsive)


what antidepressant are you on?


MOLD is a major trigger for all kinds of health problems, including tics, OCD etc etc


Also, when did you have your vaccinations in relation to the start of this "tic"?


so many things could be contributing to this, so often it is a case of trial and error and steady elimination until you find what could be the problem.


For some it is a single trigger, while for others there are a combination of things that trigger their problems.


One thing seems sure, if that is the only "tic" you exhibit, it sure doesnt sound like Tourette Syndrome.

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I am on Lexapro - 30 mg. Started at 10, then 20, and now 30.


I am trying to find out when I had the Hepa vaccine. I think 4 plus years ago.

I have also had flu vaccines, I am sure I did not have one fall of 2001.


My mouthing started Jan. 2002.


If my condition is may be caused by an allergy should I visit an doc. who specilaizes in allergies?


Ilsa aka hahunter

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Hi hahunter and Ilsa,


Ilsa, if you worked in a machine shop, maybe you inhaled metals? Not sure how that works. Perhaps a mercury test from Great Smokie Lab would be appropriate


Hahunter and Ilsa, the doctors on the list at the top of this forum usually give IgG allergy tests--a better allergy test for food triggers than the IgE test. They could also do mercury tests. Bottom line is that they will guide you through much of this.





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Update -

Spoke to my homeopath the other day and suggested a variety of things. Thyroid, allergies, mold, and vaccines. I am now scheduled for a live blood test. I think that is what it is called. They take a drop of blood and look at it. Apparently it tells all sorts of things about the state of our body. Hope it helps.



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