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Insecticides & Tourette Syndrome


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I've got fleas in my house from my dog. I've treated her, but they are bitting me badly so I've got to do something. Are there any Insecticides that won't bother my tourette syndrome or any other treatments for them. I was going to get a terminator, but want to see if that is safe or not and if anyone has any better suggestions. Any suggestions would help.




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Pesticides and general chemicals cause a major increase in my son's tics, and also in our overall family health.


PENNYROYAL is a safe and herbal remedy that fleas hate......you can either buy a pennyroyal plant and rub your dogs fur with the leaves and flowers or you can buy pennyroyal concentrated oil at the health store and make a mixture of oil to water 1:4 and spray onto your dog and carpets etc.


Strewing dried pennyroyal on carpets bedding etc also is good.


Shampooing in baby shampoo also helps soothe the dogs irritated skin.


I also get a soft cloth collar and apply the pennyroyal oil direct to it , and put a few more drops on daily.


Works on cats too



You can also put pennyroyal on your own skin to repel the fleas......smells nice too

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Thanks for the information. Does PENNYROYAL stain your carpet when you spray it on there? Also when I searched for information about PENNYROYAL I'm finding that its safe for people, but can be dangerous for dogs. Is it safe for dogs? Is it that its not safe for dogs when its wet, but once it dries is it safe for dogs?

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Penny royal doesnt stain (as long as you dont rub fresh leaves into the carpet)and I have NEVER heard it to be unsafe for dogs. It is even used in some over the counter products for dogs and we have safely used it on our JR terrier for 5 years


I would think the only problem would be if one used it too concentrated and the dog licked it off

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