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does ts affect us when we grow old?

Guest Guest_B_N123

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Guest Guest_B_N123

just a thought i had whilst on my journey to work.i wanteed to know if TS will affect us in the long run? when we grow older? say...50+ what will happen?

will they get worse?

would we constantly shake??




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I'm 48 and I still tic. Much less noticeable now than when I was a kid. And hardly at all when I'm sleeping well and eating right (no artificials, not too much caffeine).

Ticcing is not really an issue for me. Nobody even knows except for my immediate family.

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My husband is 44 and his tics are still there but he gives in to his "bad" cravings all the time! (chocolate, caffeine, sweet desserts). He knows these are bad for his tics, and being as he is a big boy (i.e. not a child anymore) my feeling is, he either adjusts his diet, or lives with the consequences!


I think as you age more, though, and things are slowing down, so too, do your tics.

This was certainly evident with his father.


My husband also has a tremendous, learned ability to control his tics while in public and while his tics are bad, most people would not know it. He is able to suppress his tics for hours and hours.

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