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My 6 year old son was diagnosed with PANDAS in December of 2009 during his first episode and our pediatrician and immunologist have been AMAZING in helping us through this. After a lousy neuro appointment, the pediatrician agreed to do a 9 month RX of ABX. We were in for a follow up tonight and I showed her some weird "pimples" that DS has had for several months that haven't gone away.


She immediately diagnosed it on sight as Molluscum contagiosum. Seems it is common in kids with a suppressed immuno system. Just curious if anyone else has seen this? Luckily, it's no big deal and will go away on it's own. DS was VERY happy to hear that! He only has a few spots on his belly. In the past, he frequently got a rash whenever he had an illness, in fact that rash is how I once found out he had strep. He had gotten the rash with no other sign of illness and I brought him in, because I just KNEW something was up!


otherwise, we are doing okay. He is not all "better" as I'd hoped since he was treated quickly. But, he is more "even keel" and easier to diffuse. He has done better in school, but is currently going through a child study team evaluation because so much of first grade was a disaster.


dd7 has had it for a while now, just gets a pimple here and there, it erupts and then goes away.

dd8 had a horrible batch of it that was a very bad experience but I think she had a combination of a few things that made her molluscum seem worse (eczema and a celiac related skin condition called DH although she is undiagnosed at this point). We've been dealing with it for almost 2 years between the two of them. I hate MC! I hope you have an easy time of it and it goes away quickly.




Yes, my son had it from age 1-3. This has been discussed several times... many people have seen it.


Of course my pediatrician told me it was "nothing" and would go away on its own.

It did go away on its own but it was NOT nothing.


Wow! Amazing how all these puzzle pieces come together. Sorry so many others have dealt with it. Thus far we ARE lucky - the doctor seemed shocked he doesn't have more than he does.


Sorry - I didn't realize it was already discussed a few times. I looked back a few pages and didnt' see it.


It's okay. I'm sensitive ;) In ebay groups, you get reamed if you dare to mention something that has EVER been brought up before! LOL! This is a much more tolerant, understanding group - knowing people are more new to this world and still learning.


I am still in awe how our world has been rocked in the past 6 months and it seems everything comes back to the PANDAS.


LOL Tantrums... it's a whole different world here :)



It's okay. I'm sensitive ;) In ebay groups, you get reamed if you dare to mention something that has EVER been brought up before! LOL! This is a much more tolerant, understanding group - knowing people are more new to this world and still learning.


I am still in awe how our world has been rocked in the past 6 months and it seems everything comes back to the PANDAS.

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