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L-Carnitine question


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Hi all,


I just bought some L-Carnitine (By NOW brand) and as I was reading the other ingredients list, it has Magnesium Stearate in it. I can't remember but I think I saw in a past post that Mag stearate is big "No No" to people with TS.


If this is true does anyone have a brand that they know does work well and not have that in it. Also I am looking for a good brand for the Mag Taurate/Calcium/Zinc. I have been giving my son the Country Life brand and also tried Whole Foods brand but both have Mag Stearate.


I am really hoping that I am wrong about this Mag stearate. I have been giving my son this for a few months now I hope I didn't do him more bad than good.


Any info would be greatly appreciated.



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Bonnie Grimwald was the one with Magnesium Stearate concerns. But she clarified to someone once that it was only a concern if it was an 'active' ingredient--eg. they list the mg's of it. In 'other' ingredients, it is commonly used to lubricate the machines, and she saw no issue with this. I found it is an 'other ingredient' in many of our vitamins.


I don't know re the difference. Maybe go here to check?




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I have always been told that ACETYL L- CARNITINE is the best form to use.


Magnesium stearate is not problematic if the stearic acid is not an active ingredient but magnesium oxide should generally be avoided. As Claire explained. Bonnie Grimaldi once explained this to us.


Bonnie? are you still reading the forums? we would love to hear from you. :)


I know Bonnie has been very busy with her research and so may not be checking the forums as much as before.

We all owe her such a debt of gratitude for the superb research that she does, and for sharing her treatment for her son all those years ago.......just look at how many people have now been helped by supplements! :)

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