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Hi everyone,

My son started a new tic last summer around August. the tic is a slow shutting of the left eye. It looks like a slow deliberate wink. It has not followed the waxing and waning I thought tics take. This tic has not changed in 8 months. It is the exact same tic in the exact same place. Has anyone seen this? He had a mouth tic that came and went, but the one with his eye is sticking around. Anyone have experience with tics persisting for this long and following the exact pattern on the exact same part of the face without stopping, even to be replaced with another tic?



Tourette tics wax and wane and vary, but "transient tics" can often just be one tic presenting the way you describe


also, some parents who have found the tics caused by allergy have noted only single tics as well


Tourette tics wax and wane and vary, but "transient tics" can often just be one tic presenting the way you describe


also, some parents who have found the tics caused by allergy have noted only single tics as well

I was hoping to hear from you! How long can a transient tic last? Does this seem like a long time for the same tic to be around? Would allergy meds be the thing I should start treating him with to see if he responds or would you try adding a new supplement that is an antihistimine? I've tried vit. c, but didn't notice a decrease. Do you know if people have been successful in eliminating a transient tic due to allergies?


one never can predict with transient tics...some are over quickly and others can last a while... so no, that length of time is not unusual but certainly worth looking into any potential triggers for....


have you kept a journal of times when it seems more frequent or intense? any correlation with food? environment? activity? illness? vaccines?


have you had any recent woodwork, painting, carpeting in your home that correlates to the tic starting?


it's best to test for allergies rather than just treating for them as you dont want to mess with antihistamine unless it is needed IMO


have you tried the food elimination diet to see if any food allergies?


and yes, many kids get over transient tics on their own without treatment, and other times parents find the triggers and the transient tics go once the triggers are removed

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