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Hello -


Our 1st appt with Dr K is in 12 days and I am panicking cuz I dont have all of my sons medical records and my notes are an absolute mess. I thought that I read somewhere on his website that the medical records need to be in a week b-4 appt so he can review. If thats the case I am going to have to do some major running around to have them to him by next Wednesday. AHHHHH!

My journals are a mess and am trying to piece together the last 8 years of my sons life so I can include it. Does anyone have any advice on this???



still freaking out in Edgerton, WI

aka johnsmom


We typed an overview with some key bulletpoints of what behaviors she had exhibited and then checked the ones she still had, then gave him what things we did have. I don't think he is going to refuse to see you or treat you if you don't have a binder of meticulous records. He's very understanding about the chaos that PANDAS children bring to the household. Don't panic, just put some thoughts/symptoms on paper so he can reference it at the appointment and then do the best you can with the other things. If in doubt, call his receptionist.


Don't overthink it. Narritive of what you remember with reference to onset symptoms, what those symptoms are, labs, treatments with results from treatments, how it is impacting childs life, etc. He is looking for those things that would point to Pandas diagnosis. He will ask questions if he isn't getting what he needs.


Good luck. Let us know how it goes.




Don't overthink it. Narritive of what you remember with reference to onset symptoms, what those symptoms are, labs, treatments with results from treatments, how it is impacting childs life, etc. He is looking for those things that would point to Pandas diagnosis. He will ask questions if he isn't getting what he needs.


Good luck. Let us know how it goes.






Our experience with Dr K was exactly what others are telling you. As long as you can talk about what is going on you will have a productive conversation. Blood tests results are always helpful but even if you just remember some of the results (without the documentation) you will be fine.


Good luck. We really felt so much better after talking with Dr. K.




We did IVIG about 5 weeks ago,Dr k is the best

RELAX.... that is what he tells me all of the time!!

you will be fine you are in good hands


I agree with others on this. Don't stress too much about it. A narrative starting with first onset of any symptoms (not just full-blown PANDAS) and checklist of PANDAS symptoms give him a lot of information. Also, if you don't have lab results or remember what they were, just let him know you did the test, and he will tell you whether he needs to see the results or not.


So happy for you that you have an appointment in 12 days! My understanding is he's getting so busy he's booking at least a month out. Hang in there, I know it's hard to wait.


Does he want all of your child's official med records or just you recalling them? If he wants the official records, go to the ped's office today or Monday and say you either want a hard copy for you to pick up (that should only take a max of 3-5 days) or see if Dr K will accept an electronic copy via email. That would take a day or 2. You'll have to sign a form for either one.


I think unless there's been a lot of medical issues, you recalling certain illnesses, reactions to any vaccines, if milestones were met, etc would be good enough.


Our first appt wasn't all that great because we had been told by his office person to fax medical records for him to review before our appt. We did that thinking that Evan's case would be reviewed ahead of our visit and give us a jumping off point in the visit. We were disappointed when he walked in and had no idea why we were there, hadn't looked at anything and were were left scrambling. SOOoo......A synopsis, bullet points, that kind of thing will be BEST. He operates on a slightly different frequency so this kind hx report from you will go a LONG way. Yes, I do think he is getting swamped. Our experience with Dr. K at the IVIG was much different. We really began to appreciate his care. Dawn

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