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Calcium, Zinc & Taurine

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I'm new here and have an 11 year old son who, in my opinion, has TS but it has hasn't been diagnosed since he's only had tics since March. I noticed a response from Chemar that to decrease tics you need to combine calcium, zinc & tourine. We do supplement with a multi, cal-mag. zinc, b-complex, c and fish oil. What is the appropriate level of cal, zinc and tourine that a 100 lb. boy would need? I am truly enjoying this website!



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Hi again LuluGirl and a big welcome to Latitudes!

sorry for the delay in replying to you, but I have been offline without power after the hurricane.


Age 12and >100lb can usually take adult doseage supps, with the dose being halved for younger/lighter children.


The usual daily dose that I have seen mostly for TS is 1000mg cal/500mg mag/ 50mg zinc and with 500mg taurine added.


However, this does vary between individuals and there specific deficiencies and needs.

That is why I always recommend working with a naturopath or other doctor or therapist who is qualified and knowledgable in natural treatments.

I also replied to the other thread you posted on this topic.



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