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Both my kids were scheduled c-sections due to breech presentation, no other issues or meds at all during pregnancy.


My PANDAS son however didn't flip to breech until 37.5 wks after I spent months convincing the Dr. to let me go VBAC with no drugs. I should've known then he'd be my challenging child :D


Just the opposite over here! My ds6 was 43 weeks! I never went into labor, the amniotic fluid dried up, and he was all but dead in there (2 points out of 10) - emergency C section at the end and they weren't sure that he would make it through that. I was supposed to be induced at 42 weeks, but my OB lost her license the night before for showing up drunk to do a C-section, so then I had to start looking for a new OB and no-one wanted to take me (liability reasons) given that I was already post-dates! Finally found one guy to do it and he basically rushed me from his office to the hospital.


My ds3 was taken by C-section at 37 weeks due to size - he was already over 8 pounds and had "busted open" my hips (the way that usually happens during delivery). My OB said that if we didn't get him out then, I'd be on a walker for 6 months after delivery. But he didn't need anything special as far as pre-term treatment goes.




OMG!!!! This should NEVER happen!!! (the 43 week part not the other delivery) You are SOOOO lucky he was OK


Yes, he had completely stopped moving, after having been very active, for the 3-4 days while I searched for a new OB. I even tried camping out at the hospital but the on-call OB refused to deal with me because he was on his way out for his first vacation in 10 years, blah blah. It was the worst, sinking feeling in the world to think that my baby was dying/dead inside me after having made it all the way through a healthy pregnancy, and I couldn't find anyone to help.


Not too dissimilar from what we go through as parents of PANDAS kids, now that I think about it....



Just the opposite over here! My ds6 was 43 weeks! I never went into labor, the amniotic fluid dried up, and he was all but dead in there (2 points out of 10) - emergency C section at the end and they weren't sure that he would make it through that. I was supposed to be induced at 42 weeks, but my OB lost her license the night before for showing up drunk to do a C-section, so then I had to start looking for a new OB and no-one wanted to take me (liability reasons) given that I was already post-dates! Finally found one guy to do it and he basically rushed me from his office to the hospital.


My ds3 was taken by C-section at 37 weeks due to size - he was already over 8 pounds and had "busted open" my hips (the way that usually happens during delivery). My OB said that if we didn't get him out then, I'd be on a walker for 6 months after delivery. But he didn't need anything special as far as pre-term treatment goes.




OMG!!!! This should NEVER happen!!! (the 43 week part not the other delivery) You are SOOOO lucky he was OK

Yes, he had completely stopped moving, after having been very active, for the 3-4 days while I searched for a new OB. I even tried camping out at the hospital but the on-call OB refused to deal with me because he was on his way out for his first vacation in 10 years, blah blah. It was the worst, sinking feeling in the world to think that my baby was dying/dead inside me after having made it all the way through a healthy pregnancy, and I couldn't find anyone to help.


Not too dissimilar from what we go through as parents of PANDAS kids, now that I think about it....



Just the opposite over here! My ds6 was 43 weeks! I never went into labor, the amniotic fluid dried up, and he was all but dead in there (2 points out of 10) - emergency C section at the end and they weren't sure that he would make it through that. I was supposed to be induced at 42 weeks, but my OB lost her license the night before for showing up drunk to do a C-section, so then I had to start looking for a new OB and no-one wanted to take me (liability reasons) given that I was already post-dates! Finally found one guy to do it and he basically rushed me from his office to the hospital.


My ds3 was taken by C-section at 37 weeks due to size - he was already over 8 pounds and had "busted open" my hips (the way that usually happens during delivery). My OB said that if we didn't get him out then, I'd be on a walker for 6 months after delivery. But he didn't need anything special as far as pre-term treatment goes.




OMG!!!! This should NEVER happen!!! (the 43 week part not the other delivery) You are SOOOO lucky he was OK

If your kid would not have been OK that hospital would have been HUGELY liable. If they could not have accomodated you, then they should have transferred you to another facility, even a teaching facility that could have. Water under the bridge now, I know, but what a close call. I just can't fathom something like that can happen in this day and age.


I went into labor with my PANDAS son at 28 weeks - had 1 mag treatment and was on Terbutaline and Niphedipine every three hours around the clock until 36 weeks when they took me off - he was taken emergency c section as he was breech.


None of those medications...I had normal pregnancies...also tested negative for strep with each one.


I did have epidurals with all four. The last two were induced.


During PANDAS daughter's pregnancy, I slipped down some steps at 26 weeks--baby was fine as per ultrasound...but I had a sore bum for several months. As a newborn, she was placed in the NICU because they said she had an air pocket in her lung that caused her to be breathing rapidly, and started her on an antibiotic while they plated the fluid from her lungs...it was negative so the medication was stopped.

Just wondering if there is any trend in the birthing history of any of our PANDAS kids. Any of you experience pre-term labor that required the use of Terbutaline to stop contractions or the use of a steroid to speed lung devlopment? I had to take both when pregnant with my PANDAS dd. Pre-term labor started at 20 weeks.



No steroids with my son. I had to be induced at 41 weeks. He was very large 9.8. He was Jaundice due to the trauma. Poor little guy, seems like it is always something!

My daughter was 9 lbs 10 oz at 38 weeks !


No steroids with my son. I had to be induced at 41 weeks. He was very large 9.8.



Oh my goodness! Hope you had a c-section! Wish I would of...


No c-section. But I learned from my second child to get epidurals before they break water. I delivered her in about an hour after they broke it.


With each baby, the baby got bigger. One of the reasons, I am done having kids!



My daughter was 9 lbs 10 oz at 38 weeks !


No steroids with my son. I had to be induced at 41 weeks. He was very large 9.8.



Oh my goodness! Hope you had a c-section! Wish I would of...

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