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Eye rollings with new glasses

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Guest guest_jean

Hi All,


Interesting. My son just switched a new paire of glasses this afternoon (with new prescription). The minute he had his glasses on, he started his eye rolloings. I asked him if he's comfortable with his new glasses. He said he loves it because it makes him see clear. Since he kept rolling his eyes, I asked him to switch to the old one. Then his eye rollings're getting better but still more than before (actually I don't really see him doing it last week). Does anyone have such experience?

Guest Nancy



My son wears glasses and he's never had an eye rolling tic, but he definitely has a touching tic - he adjusts them and presses them into his nose a lot. I believe any kind of sensory change can cause a tic. When my son first started orthodontic work he had a facial tic reappear that I hadn't seen for a long time. It only lasted very briefly, though. The other day we went to the orthodontist to check his retainer and the doctor changed it a little and my son had a tongue/mouth tic for the day. I think just the slight difference in the way it felt made him very aware of it for awhile.


Perhaps the slight change in vision brought on the tic. Did he get a new pair of frames too? I know when I got new glasses with smaller frames I was VERY aware of seeing the edges of the frames for a few days - then I got used to it. This might be distracting to a child, even if their vision is clear. Hopefully it will pass soon. Of course, if it persists it might be a good idea to have the doctor check him again with the new glasses to make sure the prescription is ok. Good luck.




My son's very first ever tic was an eye rolling tic...we didnt even know he had TS then.

It may well be a reaction to the new vision thru these lenses and will possibly settle soon. that is what happened with my son


Hi Jean,


Sounds like you have been given great input already...


Your son seems to have a very strong visual/light reaction. You have commented both on sunlight, piano, TV and now the glasses... I would also expect this may just be while he adjusts to the difference.


Anyway, you might consider ordering the Irlen sheets for $30 and see if he has a strong preference for one of them. As I have mentioned, these help people by filtering out certain light frequencies that iritate them. Helen Irlen specifically talked about reactions to sunlight, which I remember your son used to have. www.irlen.com


My son used to use a turquiose one, then he said he no longer needed it. I tried to retest him on all colors tonight, but couldn't get anything definitive. So not sure what that means actually. Last time he was very convinced it made a difference.


Are you still working with your naturopath? Where are you in the treatment? Has she commented on any underlying health improvements?




Hi Nancy/Claire/Chemar


Thanks all for your input! He had less eye rolling today, but still a little more than last couple weeks. It seems that he needs time to set back. I actually let him try the new glasses again toady for 1 hour. He told me that the new glasses made him seeing things too clear (or too “strongâ€). He’s not getting use to the feeling. Now I recall his eye rolling was bad initially when he changed to his new glasses last year. I didn’t understand tics that time. I hope it’s just an adjustment period as you mentioned. Nancy, like your son, my son also had tics during his vision exam.




We just visited our naturopath yesterday. I was going to post to the thread that I used to post my follow up, but I couldn’t find it. I’m posting here now. Overall, he is doing well. He still has no TV and computer. He’s also fine with his once a week computer lab last few months. Lately we found out that any emotional change (i.e., excitement, anger, anticipation, etc.) will trigger his tics. I’m wondering if anyone has such experience. As a trial, I let him use my laptop for 10 minutes yesterday and he was ok. So I decided to give him another try. Tonight when he knew that he would be watching Tom&Jerry DVD from my laptop, he started his eye rolling. During the time he was watching the movie, he had eye rolling. He was ok after he finished watching (still couple times eye rolling though). As his test reports are all fine, his naturopath considered that his nerve system is not strong enough to handle changes. So she would like to focus on the area. It’s been his 5th month on remedies. This new set of remedies is mainly for nerve system. Besides, my son is also taking P5P (an active form of VitB6), HMF, and Insitol. I have to say that his fear gets much improved. Meanwhile, he started antelope horn powder (the naturopath is fine with it) last week. With the current glasses change, I’m a little lost here as he’s been doing well for a while…


I’ll definitely to try the irlen sheet. BTW, has anyone had experience of using P5P?






Hi Jean,


Thanks for the update, I appreciate it. I know, it is hard to find the threads sometimes!


I remember when I first got glasses at 16. I thought it was too clear and too strong. To this day, I still think they overprescribe glasses and always have them tone it down a notch or two and I still test out at 20/20. Otherwise, I think our eyes just adjust to the stronger prescription.


Is your son nearsighted? My brother was legally blind (20/250 with correction) and did these eye exercises and can now drive a car (20/40 with correction). So I did them under my optometrists watch 15 years ago and improved by 30% which held.


I am going to get the contacts that you wear at night and they are like 'braces' where you then don't need them during the day. You have to wear them for your whole life though. But I read that for teens, the change can be more permanent. Something for you to investigate as your son gets older.


Also, I took my son to a local opthamologist and she wanted to give him eye exercises to avoid needing glasses for reading. He somehow improved on his own and no longer needs them anyway--no more blurriness. But I remember her discussing his difficulty in changing from close to far focus, and I wondered if that 'stress' contributed to his tics from computers/TV.


Good luck with the LCD and I am glad you are closely monitoring it, since the effect can cumulate, and since he seems to already be having some reaction to the glasses.


Finally, I personally use P5P for my B6 deficiency, based on our DAN doctor recommendation--since it is the most absorbable form of B6. FJ on Braintalk recommends it for Pyroluria also.




Hi Claire,


Thanks for such detail information! It helps a lot!

My son is getting better today. He's been wearing his new glasses whole day today. He is fine when he's back to home (but I don't know he's doing during the day at summer school). When I asked him if he's fine with his new glasses, he stated couple times eye rolling. He seems sensitive to certain topics.

I don't understand why. BTW, Claire, your another new thread is very good. It helps me to refresh my mind. Thanks!




I just got a new pair of glasses...I dont wear them much because they do bother my eyes even though they are the same prescription.....


Things look different through them...normal to touch/roll eyes...


Definitely will go away as he gets used to them.






You're right. He's much improved after he's wearing it for a week. Thanks for sharing!



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