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Another method for making magnesium cream


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I posted this a s a reply to Bev as well but thought to put it here too


we have discussed the benefits of (magnesium sulfate) epsom salts on tic reduction for many years now (baths, footbaths, creams and compresses)

and I have posted before of the method of making epsom cream to use on tic affected areas (1 heaped tblsp epsom salts dissolved in a small saucer of hot water and added to about 1/4 cup cream/ointment...aquaphor works well as it absorbs water)


anyways, someone posted to a long running magnesium information thread on NeuroTalk with a novel recipe for making mag ointment from a blend with milk of magnesia


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the epsom (mag sulfate) cream works very well for my son's motor tics CP


I havent tried the magnesia (mag hydroxide) cream so cant speak personally, but it sure sounds like a very beneficial mix


the sulfates in epsom do give that extra benefit, but this other method adds the omega and coconut oil, each with their own health benefits too

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Chemar in the link from neurotalk the person says that coconut oil is omega 6.


I cannot find anywhere info on what king of "omega" coconut oil is?


I was wondering because of the Omega 6 being inflammatory and coconut oil being a good anti-inflammatory oil, this did not make sense to me.


Do you have any info that could clear this up fpr me.




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coconut oil has the "good" balance of omega 3 to omega 6, like flaxseeds do


my son finds coconut products good for him




omega 6 IS an essential fatty acid so one cannot avoid it completely


the key is eating it in foods that have the correct balance with omega 3

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