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My ds had his done in Nov. Aso was 480. He has not been on anything, he is in an ok place right now but the dr. wants me to get this done again. I have concerns about my dd who is not diagnosed pandas and he said to get hers done too but her last one was done 3 weeks ago (was 120) ... This dr. definitely knows titers are not a sole indicator of anything.. I'm guessing it's just to have another possible puzzle piece. Would tests so close together though actually show anything?


I guess the question is what is the doctor looking for. Constant titers or fallng titers are not characterized. Only rising titers are currently meaningful and only then if you are looking to confirm a strep infection in last 4-8 weeks. So do you think you had strep in beginning of November but didn't get a culture at the time?


The rate of fall of titers is not known.




My ds had his done in Nov. Aso was 480. He has not been on anything, he is in an ok place right now but the dr. wants me to get this done again. I have concerns about my dd who is not diagnosed pandas and he said to get hers done too but her last one was done 3 weeks ago (was 120) ... This dr. definitely knows titers are not a sole indicator of anything.. I'm guessing it's just to have another possible puzzle piece. Would tests so close together though actually show anything?

I know that my ds had strep in Sept. and my dd had strep in sept and oct. as we had positive cultures at those times. So there is no question as to that they had strep. I don't think there was new strep in november. My son's throat clearing actually finally just went away within the last 2 weeks.... and he is doing well at controlling his sometimes short temper. I have no doubt that he has pandas. I also have cunningham results for him of 141. My dd on the other hand, she is a mess but not diagnosed pandas (haven't done the cunningham on her either) .. trying to figure that out... she has no ocd (that I am aware of, no tics) but has that irrational long lasting emotional tantrums lately and has had unexplained daily tummyaches for at least a year now.


When I say my ds has not been on anything he was on amox in sept and for a month and a half after that positive strep culture (no sore throat symptoms but his behavior and tics and my dd's positive culture was why I checked him.. he never gets sore throats when he has positive cultures) I started him today on zithromax... for 10 days daily and then it will be through the winter 2 times a week just to try to eradicate any leftover strep and prevent new I guess.


I am just trying to figure out what the test would possibly tell us and if it's terrible for me to start the antibiotics before getting the test done (I won't be able to do the bloodwork till next week at the earliest but am starting this week on the antibioics for my ds) and really if it's so close to when my dd had it done what the point is. I am trying to not bug the dr with the thousand of silly questions I thought of after leaving the appt. The appt was for my son.. but we discussed my daughter too.



I guess the question is what is the doctor looking for. Constant titers or fallng titers are not characterized. Only rising titers are currently meaningful and only then if you are looking to confirm a strep infection in last 4-8 weeks. So do you think you had strep in beginning of November but didn't get a culture at the time?


The rate of fall of titers is not known.




My ds had his done in Nov. Aso was 480. He has not been on anything, he is in an ok place right now but the dr. wants me to get this done again. I have concerns about my dd who is not diagnosed pandas and he said to get hers done too but her last one was done 3 weeks ago (was 120) ... This dr. definitely knows titers are not a sole indicator of anything.. I'm guessing it's just to have another possible puzzle piece. Would tests so close together though actually show anything?

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