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Question on vitamin E along with EFA

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Guest Guest_efgh



I have read a lot that VITAMIN E is very essential to be given along with flaxoil. How many of you give extra Vitamin E as a SUPPLEMENT to your kids along with the EFA's like flax or fish oil? If so, what dosage of vitamin E do you give?




hi efgh


usually a multivitamin gioves the full daily requirement of Vitamin E and so an additional supplement is not needed.

Especially in children, it is important not to give MORE than is recommended, unless a doctor has advised to do so.


If you are still only giving flax, I really do suggest that your add a source of GLA as from Evening Primrose Oil



Guest Guest_efgh



thanks for your useful input. I have been giving flax and fish oil together to my son for the past one week. I was giving flax oil 1 tblspn for the past nine months with reasonable success. Then I stopped flax and started fish oil and I realised my son was NOT doing well with ONLY fish oil. Since one week I have been giving flax oil 1 tblspn and 1 EPA capsule (fish oil) together and luckily so far, I dont see any adverse reaction in my son with this combination. Do you still advise that additional GLA like Evening primrose over and above flax plus fish is safer?? (I am asking more from safety point of view than from the tics point of view this particular question!)

thanks in advance..




Check your thread on brainTalk I pointed you to the previous discussion you had with Mrs D on flax/fish where she discussed the importance of GLA in individuals who are sensitive to fish oil alone


where guy at brainTalk made a valid point re the ratios of omega3 and omega 6, yet I honestly feel Mrs D is the expert here and would follow her guidance on this.



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