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ever had hair sample done


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I had ds hair sample done in Mayish...he came up high , out of range for arsnic.....told a doc about and they don't subscripe to hair samples...why is that?

We've been eating healthy and.naturopath gave me some things but i'm not sure about that stuff...

somone mentioned preservatives in chicken and got me thinking againe....

any thoughts and any detox recommendations and how to it properly or what kind of doc you would suggest?

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Hello. We had a hair analysis done for our son as well. He came back high in whole bunch of metals. Our nuntitionist put him on vitamin E, selenium, and a supplement called Porphyra-Zyme by Biotics Research. All are natural chealators and work slowly. We had him on these for 4 months. We need to have the hair analysis done again to see where he is, but I highly trust out nutritionist. I suggest finding an MD gone alternative or a nutritionist that you trust. What are your son's symptoms?


I had ds hair sample done in Mayish...he came up high , out of range for arsnic.....told a doc about and they don't subscripe to hair samples...why is that?

We've been eating healthy and.naturopath gave me some things but i'm not sure about that stuff...

somone mentioned preservatives in chicken and got me thinking againe....

any thoughts and any detox recommendations and how to it properly or what kind of doc you would suggest?

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prior to this episode i could always see a tic get strep test go on anti's and gone in 3-4 weeks. even when it seemed viral or seasonal allergy it wold go in 4 weeks.

this one started in april just in his legs...and was severe onset....it remained but lessoned he added some hand stuff as leg stuff lessoned, would see occasoinal jaw jut


did brain balance progamjuly-oct and gfcf....things were mild then... i guess...


got tmj appliance 11/12 no change ...but in the last week his tics are morfing everyday somtimes within an hour...but his feet/legs seem gone and seems like its moving up his body...i think hands are less....

so is it worse??? would it have been better to leave it in his hands...assuming i'm leaving anything and i have any control...is the appliance doing this or is this his progression irregardlless, can the appliance move it out of his body in total?



Do you have to watch what you eat while you detox ....we eat well...but do you also go gfcf or anything?

and i just realized this kid does not drink???? almost never finishes his drinks no matter what???? could that be something?

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