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I am wondering how long it takes from the time of the initial exposure of strep for the child to develop the sudden onset of PANDAS symptoms?


It seems that there is a pattern of my son going into episodes on mondays and I am trying to pin down where the exposure is coming from. Right now I am looking at Occupational Therapy which is on Saturday at noon and I am also wondering if he is getting it from a carrier on mondays at school.


I just found out that there is another PANDAS boy who goes to the same OT clinic as my son and his appts are on Saturday morning, a few hours before my son's appt. I don't know the specifics on this child but I do know that the parents are having a very hard time controlling his pandas.


My son has been on a prophylactic dose of abx since Aug and I just don't think that it's enough right now, but when we go up on the dose he gets major yeast problems. So I am trying to pinpoint a possible repeat exposure...


Thanks for your input!




Hi Stephanie-


My daughter has reacted three times from exposure to strep. For her, I believe it is immediate- as someone stated "like a peanut allergy". All three times, she would start having a quick increase in symptoms (esp the emotional stuff). A day or two later, I would find out her friend, or a boy in the class, or her sister had strep. The increase would go away pretty quickly also- like over the weekend when she wasn't around this person.


I guess I am saying, look at who/where he has been that day. My dd would come home from school tired and a wreck- before the friend was even feverish, etc.


Good luck figuring this out... Did you know you would grow up to be a medical detective?


Stress can also open the BBB and make the antibodies that are in the system react and cause symptoms. Maybe Monday mornings are somewhat stressful so that is when you see it. My son has way more issues at school than at home. He can be at a doctor's appointment and have full symptoms and one hour later at home seem fine.

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