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This is not a question of will I do this…


Just how and when-


I have yet to explore ramifications (time, expensive, publication sizes, and so on)—


But—at the very least I could easily make a prototype in my basement—via computer and my graphic design/art/photography background—


I am deeply interested in assembling a collection of poetry/writings (perhaps, even art or photography) from people with TS and/or associative disorders-


With a equal emphasis on age groups— also a section for parents/friends too


For it has been through the arts--- that one can address matters of acceptance, healing, and relation—address all the subject matter that westernized medicine simply does not have the facilities, empathy, ability, or patients to deal with… (Most of the time)


Sometimes there is no better treatment—than finding relation in someone else’s equivocal hardships-in writing-


Never are tears more honest and real—I believe the magical relation that would be created by this---would most importantly—sooth and affect the children and adults alike living with TS--


Not all of us—have the luxury of a support group—this would be a support group in the form of a book—that one could bring anywhere---


And everyone that has that moment—that they feel they are utterly alone with this disorder--- could refer to the book—to be reminded that they are not…


Anyway—we all get the premise—I am looking for, interest and input—


If there is already a book like this---there should be two!


Anyway—I am sincerely interested in this project-


p.s—forgive my fragmented phasing and sentence structure—I am too distracted by motor tics to write in proper form or complete sentences—unless necessary—after all how many of us (TS) think in complete anythings… anyway…




Good Idea Eric!


People with TS are well known to be amongst the most talented artists, writers, musicians etc.


What a wonderful way to incorporate their stories, poems and artistic expression.


I will tell my son about this and ask him to PM you.




I am glad you embrace the idea....


I forgot to mention-- I am very interested in handwritten writings--


That personal touch adds to the dynamic and impact--


I speculate many with this disorder have a certain richness, wildness, and character to their handwriting-- I will love to have it all...- spelling mistakes, outside lines, inconsistent letter/word size, hand presser, anything that connotes personal struggle or human emotion-- I also speculate that the children will have the most interesting interplay on this premise-


It is important that we place worth and value on ours words--

For most of our words work against us-- just as much as our bodies also work against us-- it is easy to proclaim dismay- in response to a motor tic-- a motor tic which is hard to believe serves any purpose at all-- serves no benefit...

Equivocal in the unseen world of ours--


The world of words that swoon in agony to have purpose-- If we encourage the expression of this thick and surreal world, just a little bit... We can finally align purpose-- finally subscribe purpose to our words--


Words that are often times counterproductive and self-immolating--


This media (collection of writings) offer an opportunity to preserve those hard won words-- to cast them in a book-- proves that TS can't take everything from us---It may have the ability to steal every moment-- but--it can not take our words anyway--


Indeed, it is a way to say-- "that moment was mine"---when we look at a piece of writing we finished--for the sake of expression and nothing else--and even if it was the hardest thing we attempted to do (to put one's personal experience in words, or even just try to sit still enough to write)—even if we break 4 pens along the way--


especially for a younger child to share or refer back to something that is tangible,-they can touch it, feel the paper, knowing that--this is a part of them---that potential can teach them that--one can squeeze something of worth from this miserable stone-- that something in them does have purpose, does have worth, and is a value to others-- after all-- it is hard to think anything good can come from this condition (at times)-


To think that the turmoil these kids shoulder (and, the rest of us) day by day--when they turn to face it--and express it--


All of a sudden--valuable meaning and purpose can be derived from such a horrific monstrosity of a disorder--


Anyway--I may have went a little overboard on my point--

However- I go overboard even when I am doing the dishes....


Anyway--all wound up and nowhere to go-


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