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Thanks Phil! Good for you for keeping such good records. I doubled checked and my son's arabinose (same test) is 75.7, not 70.


By the way, I found an nice quick summary on Threelac. Even more interesting is that they discuss the saliva test I mentioned. I hope some here like efgh who wonder about yeast issues, but haven't had their child tested will have them try this harmless test and let us know how it goes! As I mentioned, I flunked it, but my son passed it. We haven't had him retested yet, but maybe you have to have above a certain threshold for it to show up.


Here are highlights...





As its name implies, ThreeLac contains three forms of spore-forming lactic acid bacteria. These live microorganisms purge your intestinal tract of the parasitic, fungal form of candida. At the same time, ThreeLac helps to balance the pH levels in our bodies.


The secret behind ThreeLac’s effectiveness is the micro-encapsulation process that gets the candida-fighting live bacteria safely past the acidic environment in the stomach. These oxygen-friendly bacteria go to work “dining†on anaerobic problem organisms that you don’t want.



You can try this simple test to see if you have candida: First thing in the morning, before you put ANYTHING in your mouth, get a clear glass. Fill with water and work up a bit of saliva, then spit it into the glass of water. Check the water every 15 minutes or so for up to one hour. If you have a problem that THREELAC can help with, you will see strings (like legs) traveling down into the water from the saliva floating on the top, or “cloudy†saliva will sink to the bottom of the glass, or cloudy specks will seem to be suspended in the water. If there are no strings and the saliva is still floating after at least one hour, you probably have candida under control. THREELAC would then be used to maintain good bowel flora and proper pH.

For a picture, look at:



What makes candida bad?

Actually, in its yeast form it is beneficial. We all have this form of candida in our bodies. The candida population should be low and indiscernible (no overt symptoms or cloudy saliva). “Friendly†bacteria and a healthy immune system prevent this yeast from becoming an infectious fungus.


It is when our bodies lose their proper immune protection, or the intestinal pH is altered unfavorably, that the organism can change from the yeast form to the fungal form. When this happens, the now-parasitic fungal form penetrates the gastrointestinal mucosa and breaks down the boundary between the intestinal tract and the rest of the circulation in our bodies. This allows partially digested dietary proteins to travel into the bloodstream, where they exert a powerful antigenic (antibody-stimulating) assault on the immune system.


Another blurb...


When you use this groundbreaking product to fight candida, there will be no need to adhere to impossible dietary restrictions. For general health reasons, use common sense and avoid processed sweets. Eat your sweets "raw" and enjoy a good diet rich in nutritious foods.


With 60 ThreeLac packets in each container, one order is a two-month maintenance supply. This makes ThreeLac a perfect family product-affordable AND NEEDED by ALL family members. Remember, if only one person in the family has candidiasis symptoms, then the entire family either has candida or is at risk.


The live organisms in ThreeLac have been clinically proven to reduce candidiasis.



Spore Forming Lactic Acid Bacteria (Lactobacillus Sporogenes), Lemon Juice Powder, Refined Yeast Powder, Castor Oil, Spore Forming Bacteria (Bacillus Subtilis), Lactic Acid Bacteria (Streptococcus Faecalis).


Suggested Use:

Take ThreeLac right before you eat a meal. Let each packet dissolve in your mouth and follow immediately with 4-6 ounces of water. Then eat. Food acts as a buffer to assist ThreeLac in reaching the small intestine, where it helps your body rid itself of the candida parasites. For more severe candida infestations, you may want to take up to 2-3 packets to start (for the first 30 days). ThreeLac may be taken all at once prior to a meal or spread out among two to three meals. After 30 days you may then reduce to a maintenance amount of one to two packets per day to maintain body pH.







Did you take Oxygen Plus with the Threelac? Note the website above and this one below both mention it. I realize the first website is selling product, but the argument makes sense.




ThreeLac works to control an overgrowth of the yeast/fungus candida albicans in the intestinal tract (the breeding ground) and repopulates the intestinal tract with beneficial bacteria. Oxygen Elements Plus (OE+) helps to oxygenate the body, providing an environment in which this virulent form of yeast/fungus cannot survive. It also kills Aspergillus and Candida albicans on contact. To read more about these amazing products, and for ordering information


Also, the Japan study on the underlying mechanism.





I will bring in Phil's info on Wednesday also, since my DAN doctor does read McCandless.



Guest Guest_efgh



What is the dosage of threelac that you give your son? Since when have you been giving him threelac? I want to know if you are giving it for a long term or is it just a course?


How is your son doing lately?






I didn't use the Oxygen Elements Plus mainly because I was using some Anaerobic Oxygen from the Health Food Store which was basically the same thing (oxygenated water) to help with the detox. If I didn't have that, I probably would've ordered the Oxygen Elements plus to go with the Threelac.


Yes, that summary is great to describe the theory behind the yeast and how Threelac works. I wish I could find that other article because it was not written by the people who sell it but by someone doing research into the effectiveness of Lactic Acid killing yeast. It was similar to the one you posted on the Japanese research.


There are many sites such as the one you posted that discuss Threelac that promote the product. They do have good background information on the theory behind it. If you do a yahoo search and just type in Threelac, there are many.




The powder comes in a small packet and I started with just a pinch of powder to determine his tolerance. I gradually increased to about 1/4 tsp. with his food twice a day. I gave it to him for a couple of months until his yeast was under control. He hasn't taken it regularly for a few months but I do give him a little every once in awhile for maintenance. It is lemon flavoured so it definitely isn't hard for him to take.

He is doing very well these days. I take one day at a time and pray that this trend will continue.

Guest Guest_efgh


thanks for the info on threelac.

I gave it to him for a couple of months until his yeast was under control.


How did you determine that his yeast was under control after you gave threelac for a while. Did you again do the yeast test to determine if his yeast levels was lower? Which test did you do for that?


thanks and sorry to bother you.






My naturopath uses Electrodermal testing for yeast. THis machine assesses intestinal health by measuring electrical conductivity in the body. It is along the same lines as acupuncture. I should say that it is not always considered reliable by some practitioners, however, from what we have experienced so far, the readings coincide with the progress in Will. So with that said, we don't have definite diagnosis that that yeast is gone. If he doesn't continue to improve I will seek more invasive testing but for now I have to believe that we are on the right track.


Also, regarding the above post, I meant to say aerobic oxygen, not anaerobic oxygen.

  • 5 years later...
Guest Adain21

Hello! I have a question about dosage also. Is there an absolute maximum that you can take? I just want to take as much as I can (without hurting myself)



I wouldn't start off with any "maximum" dose. I'm under the impression you start off with very small amounts (1/4 tsp) and build up from there. I would just do what the package instructions advise. you don't want to experience any die-off and side effects from killing off too much yeast at once. Also, you should probably take "probiotics" at the same time. I havn't used this product but I think you should be careful with it. maybe you can send a message to someone who has used it for more advice).






We used threelac.

I wouldn't do too many at once.

Later we realized that old fashioned kefir was better.

Nothing works as good as a healthy diet.

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