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Since the 3 of you and I have all mentioned fears, I thought it would be good to have a thread on it.


Chemar and Jean mentioned Inositol for anxieties. I bought some now in case my son has an issue again and will talk to his doctor. I am always afraid that certain supplements don't mix with others.


I found that Melatonin at night seemed to help break my own son's fear cycle--it simply relaxed him, plus it is a great antioxidant. So I assume other sleep aids (magnesium taurate) could help with night time fears.


We did lots of talking through my son's fears, he still listens to a book tape or radio to go to sleep to engage his mind.


He has slept with some light in his room for probably 5 years now. I put a dimmer on his overhead light, and dim it. Then when he falls asleep I dim it lower. I leave a dim hall light on also (dim because light interferes with melatonin development during the night)


But something amazing happened: Tonight when he went to bed, he got up and turned his light off all the way and asked me to close his door. His tape ended 2 minutes later. So he is in there in a perfectly dark room with no 'noise'. Oh my gosh, things really are getting better for him all around--this is so exciting!! I feel like this is a breakthrough for him, though I know it is only one night.


As for the daytime fears during his strep, we tried to talked them out but logic wasn't always helpful. So we developed a strategy that he was to tell me immediately when a fear started and I would come and help him deal with it, via distraction or whatever he felt would help. For my son, another person helping to distract him was critical. Fortunately, the intense daytime fears disappeared with the antibiotics.


I know plenty of parents whose 10 year olds still come into their room at night. These kids do not have any known neurological issues. So I assume then that fears at this age are 'normal'. But even if this is the case, who needs another stressor for our kids?


And certainly if it interferes with their life, as in Scoutsmom, they need help! That is so sad. I am glad I have some of the over the counter options to discuss with our doctor. My own fear? Another round of strep throat. Guess what, we got the FIFTH notice this year of strep going around his classroom again a few days ago! Arrgh!!!






Sorry to hear about the strep. Hopefully it won't touch your son this time.


The thing about fears really has me thinking as well. My son has always wanted me to sleep with him at night to help him settle. He always said he was scared. Well I wasn't even connecting this but during the last month he has told me he wants to go to sleep himself and also wants the lights out. We always had to leave the hall light on. It is the first time ever that I am able to put him to bed and say goodnight and not have him calling out and taking an hour to settle. The change is really significant. Just as I am reading your email Claire, I am realizing what a difference it has been in the last month. I can go into his room and 5 minutes later he is asleep. It really is amazing to me.


By the way, his tics have been pretty much gone the last couple of days. I see the odd one every once in awhile but I can hardly see it myself anymore.






That is MARVELOUS about the bedtime improvement for your son!


After my son 'stabilzes' with the light off, I will cut attempt to cut further back on the melatonin. With summer coming, I can experiment more to see if his sleep improves with just magnesium taurate. Mostly I am excited about the DAN (yeast/metals) retesting in June and am sure praying for measurable improvement.


My son is tolerating more LCD computer/TV than he used to, so I see that as another sign of improvement myself. I just don't see 'testing' him on other CRT sources since we don't even use them anymore--that will happen in middle school anyway.



  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Jean

I would like to share this with you. My son had 4th time visiting to his naturopath. After 2 months remedies, he's doing much better these days. During the visiting, I discussed with our ND about my son's fear. She gave him a remedy for treating his fear. She gave us 3 dosage (each one has 5 pellets). Please don't ask me the remeday name. Usually, she doesn't give the name of these pellets remedy (we just called it as "fear remedy"). She asked him to take one dosage first, and observe his symptoms for a week to decide if he needs the 2nd and 3rd. My son took the first dosage yesterday afternoon. I’ve seen the improvement today already. He didn’t ask us to walk with him to bath room from our family room (that needs to go through the hall way) at night. He didn’t ask to check the closet door before he went to sleep. I'll see how he'll be doing the next couple days...




That is GREAT! I am glad the drops are working!


I am not sure if you read my other post, but my son now sleeps with the lights off (the first time in years).


Did I mention that when my son had fears during strep, it was a fear of the bathroom? His DAN doctor thought it could be molds that he was getting more sensitive too (the longer he was in there the worse it was). Though most of the fear went away when the strep was cleared, there was a little left. Our bathroom wasn't well ventilated so we added a window and after that--no more fears. We then found a dusty mold source in our air filter which fed into all the rooms--but that bathroom got the most direct hit and fixed it. Finally, we got the bathroom and 2 other rooms tested for mold, and the 2 other rooms were fine, but the bathroom tested positive as having mold problems. Our house is mostly new do to renovation, but now we need to replace that old shower. I cringe to think of what is behind those tiles.


They have at home mold test kits for $60-70 I think--we got ours from the National Allergy supply catalog. If the drops solve the problem entirely, then you may not need to check this out--this is just a back-up idea for you.


I saw your other post too--it sounds like your naturopath is really making a difference, you must be so happy!! I wish you the best with the LCD monitor--I know this last week of my son watching TV and playing computer on the LCD monitor more has made us all feel he is well on his way. I still am afraid of the level of viewing of 'normal' TV that his middle school is supposed to have next year.


Please definitely keep us posted on the NAET progress for 'radiation'. I get soooooooooo confused between NAET and NMT!


I know it is difficult to know which treatment made a difference when you do both, or whether it is the combination. It sure would be nice if it is effective though.




Hi ya Claire!


I am so glad to hear about the improvment in your son! It sounds exactly like what has happened with our son. As we have improved his health he has been much more able to tolerate TV, stress, fatgiue etc which all use to be big triggers for him.


With strep Kurt also had big time fears/ separation anxiety which NO amount of logic could reach! It was an IMPOSSIBLE time. If the fears/anxiety return then I know something is up. Because we are more "north" spring is just arriving and I have also noticed this is a hard time of the year for Kurt. He is a little off...mostly he is exhibiting this through resistance to going to school and a clinginess with him Grandpa but still I would say he is doing better than he has in past years.


Interestingly, my younger son did have strep a month or so ago and to me I can see PANDAS symptoms but they are just so much more mild. It makes me wonder how many children have the same reaction to strep but the parents never realize or just attribute it to being a symptom of the child being ill. Matt is the most laid back kid but in the last little while he has been much more clingy and easier to anger and needing the light to be on a bedtime etc...this is not my Matt. With time I know this will disappear.


Anyways, now I am just blabbing away. My husband took the kids for a boat ride so I have a few hours...you know I should be cleaning the house but here I sit!



Guest Jean

Hi Claire,


Thanks for the mold information! It's good to know. I'm thinking to have them inspect mold in my house. As for now, my son is at 3rd stage of detox. I still feel the homeopathic remedies helped my son greatly as my son started NAET treatment not too long ago. But NAET could be additional help though. I definitely will keep you updated. Glad to hear your son is doing well too.




Glad to hear your son is improving. It is great to hear of the successes that you all are having.


My kids have both had fears for years....nothing serious, but my daughter is 10 and my son is 7 and up until a month or so ago they still wanted me to lie down with them every night because they would be scared in bed to go to sleep. Within the last month they have both quit asking and now go to sleep with lights off and settle more easily than they ever have.


It is really amazing to me that after years of this, they both have overcome it right at this time in their lives when they have both started the supplements with the naturopath.


I do belive that God has taken us down this path to improve the well-being of my whole family. The natural treatment is not something I would have ever believed in had it not been something as serious as my son's tics to take me in that direction, seeking help out of desparation. Now, I am 100% convinced of the benefits of a good vitamin/mineral supplement to maintain good health.





Guest Jean

Hi Heather,


Thanks for the information! GOD definitely answered our prayers!

I also want to thank you for your sharing when I was searching for a way to help my son earlier. I would never thought about naturopathic treatment before if I didn't find this board. Although my son's ped. still doesn't believe alternative medicine (and he thought we wasted our money), we've seen a big difference. I too glad to hear all kids are doing well.

  • 2 months later...
Guest Guest_Jennifer

I have been reading through the threads trying to find out what "road" I need to take next.:)


I came to this thread and had not ever thought about my son's fears being like others. He is 8 now and has always wanted someone to go into the other rooms of the house with him. He still wants me to lay down with him at bed time--during the day he'll say I think I can go to sleep by myself but at night he almost cries if I don't lay down with him to get him to sleep. If he wakes durjng the night, he finds me. It seemed like Heather and Claire may have had similar experiences with this. Did both of you see a positive result with Melatonin? Is that a vitamin? If so, what mg. did you use?







Melatonin is an antioxidant and a hormone. (not a female hormone!). The body generates it naturally, but needs a dark room. Night lights can interfere with its generation (catch 22, since kids with fears often want a nightlight). Chemar did not like her son's reaction the following day.


I think using it temporarily can 'break' the fear cycle. Here is a post from me with more details on melatonin in general.




Jennifer, as for the next path, I recommend the pyroluria test, because Pyroluria can cause light sensitivity (and thus I assume flicker sensitivity). I used to think it was just mercury or a B2 deficiency. The test is only $40, is done at home, and the info is under the 'pyroluria links here'. It it is this, your path may be very simple.


Inosotil is good for fears, but apparently it is not for everyone.



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