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Guest Guest_efgh

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Guest Guest_efgh

Hi All


Does anyone know if eye rubbing is a tic. My son seems to be rubbing his eyes since three days. It does not seem like a tic to me but I am not sure.. I mainly want your inputs so that I will think twice before asking him to stop doing it..

He rubs his eyes with his hands (as if the eyes are irritating him)...

your view please. any of your have experienced this?



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hi efgh


i honestly dont know whether it is a tic, but I do know that if someone is rubbing their eyes continuously, it is usually for a good reason.

He may well be suffering an allergy or some irritation to his eyes, and then, it may also be a tic...I have not seen eye rubbing tics in my son, but that doesnt mean it hasnt been a tic for others.

Whatever the cause, I personally wouldnt ask him to stop doing it, if he needs to rub his eyes, whether for allergy, irritation or tic....then he needs to rub them!

Rather try to determine the cause.


If it is an irritation or allergy....there are mild drops that can help....we also have found placing a wet chamomille teabag on irritated eyes (closed) is very soothing.



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Mother's Day is my own peak for allergies every year and I often get eye rubbing myself from them. Like Chemar, I have my own solution, which is either rinsing my face with warm water or putting a warm wet washcloth over my eyes.


I think the moisture is soothing--Chamomille likely has added benefits.



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Guest Jeff

Hi efgh, I don't know how old your son is, but perhaps he can tell you if it's a tic or not. I know that my girls are old enough now to know whether something is a tic or not...


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Guest Guest_efgh



thanks. my son is 10 now. I have not yet discussed ANYTHING explicitly with him on his tics.. Till now, he has not relished discussion on that topic and since things are pretty much under control as of now, I have not probed much into that topic yet directly with him. How do your girls describe the tic as?



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Guest Jeff

efgh, My girls describe them much the same as I do - that they have a sensation that bothers them, and they have to flex that muscle (do the tic) in order to relieve that sensation. We are able to discuss them openly now. It probably helps that I have them too, and can joke and initiate discussions. I can also ask probing questions based on what I know. We often joke about it... For example, if I do something really stupid, I provide the excuse... "It's just one of my tics". They know better and don't let me get away with it. It has been healthy for us to be able to talk about it.


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It has been healthy for us to be able to talk about it.

I SO agree with you Jeff.......


I dont raise the subject uninvited, as i know that sometimes causes my son to focus on the tics and therefore increases them....


but he feels very comfortable to talk about them when he needs to..and often that relaxes him so that the tic diminishes.


And when he chooses to, we also joke about some of the tics!

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Guest Guest_efgh

Chemar and Claire - thanks for your useful tips.


Chemar, would try the chamomilee tea bag for my son today. I hope that helps since he has been rubbing his eyes till it turns red mainly before going to bed. He is fine during the day (any clues??) May be , its due to the spring allergy...


thanks again.

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Guest Guest_efgh

Thanks Chemar. I too think that its NOT a tic. It does not seem so to me too..

Anyway, can you suggest what is the MINIMUM dosage of L Carnitine recommended for a ten year old (70 pounds)



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Guest leslie

I am a 46 year old male and have just self diagnosed myself with tourette syndrome after suffering with it for the last 5 years to any noticable degree. One of the symptoms is eye blinking which makes one's eyes feel very tired and occasionally the eyes itch very badly and you have to rub them. I feel that a lot of the symptoms are food related and have try to eliminate coffee from my diet but up to now have not restricted my chocolate intake.This I will be statring today as I have seen some other comments on various websites saying that this has been a noticable cause. I am sure there are other things that trigger the symptoms and will be trying to get as many allergic tests done to find out what bugs me.

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