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Mercola is down on distilled Water. Interesting, because my son's DAN doctor says he supplements distilled water with minerals--which fits Mercola's comments here. We now use reverse osmosis now and/or 'glacier' bottled water.




1. My son likes the SmartWater electrolyte water. (No sugar or artif. colors like Gatorade). Should this just be drunk when it is a hot day or he is hiking/sweating? Otherwise the electrolytes are too much?


2. Feingold vs Whole Foods. If you are doing the Feingold diet, other than worrying about salycites, if you shop at Whole Foods only, do the Feingold lists become unnecessary? E.g. Is Wholefoods all 'Feingold friendly foods'?


Like Feingold, Whole Foods still has things with corn syrup in it. Due to corn, we stay away.


I am reading more on yeast and FYI having dairy/wheat/egg/corn allergies with yeast sounds quite common.






Based on Body Bio's test results and nutrient recommendations, we give our son 2 tsp. a day of their electrolyte solution. Our doctor, however, thinks that supplmenting daily is perfectly safe because it doesn't take much especially in children to throw their balance off.


Also, we have been wheat free for going on 1 month now, I am shocked at the difference. Our son is so much more calm and easy going. He responds postively when corrected instead of everythng being "our fault". I just bought the book "The Maker's Diet" by Dr. Jordan S. Rubin. The book explains the nutritional instructions God laid out in the bible and why. Dr. Rubin was dying of Chrohn's disease and made a miraculous recovery based on a biblical diet. He explains how so many neurotransmitters are manufactured in the stomach, 95% of serotonin is. If the stomach isn't working the nervous system can certainly suffer. Our son's OCD is much improved, the only thing that is still hanging on is his bedtime ritual of "good night, sweet dreams, sleep well" (he has to say that and in that order), but now he only says it 1 time intstead of 3.


Our son drinks milk, but as I've said before only raw. It's going on 1 year now and I have been nothing but pleased with it.


Our doc put our son on probiotics along with FOS a probiotic enhancer. I don't know if your doctor is having your son take FOS-if not is is worht looking into. Since our son has been on that combination his bowels have been very regular.





I just bought the book "The Maker's Diet" by Dr. Jordan S. Rubin.




This is an EXCELLENT book that everyone really should try to read!




the SmartWater that your son drinks....it doesnt have SUCRALOSE(aka Splenda) in it does it?

My son had an electrolyte water at school the other day (I confess I forget the name) and he started ticcing, so when he read the label more carefully, he found it had sucralose in it....and as Dr Mercola and others have warned.......sucralose is a big NO-NO




No, it is just water and electrolytes. They do make a slightly colored version with flavorings, but I am not training my son to want his water sweet! We used to have sucralose, but now occasionally use Stevia, but that it is--at not in our water!







I have been wondering what happened to you--So glad your son is doing well!! Really it is so good to hear. Funny, because I noticed a behavior difference when my son started milk again and you noticed it for wheat. I thought about your raw milk, but right now my son just decided he will actually allow soy milk in his granola. I do need to ask the immunologist about raw milk, since my son actually tested positive for it.


Very interesting on the wheat, thanks. Funny how I look at it sooooooo differently than I used to. My mom got colitis, and I keep thinking it is a wheat or yeast issue now. But she isn't interested. And now she has rosacea (brand new) and they put her on antibiotics. It helped, she went off the antibiotics and it came back. I must figure that there is a better solution than antibiotics..........ugh!


I will ask my son's doctor about FOS and check it out. Did it help?







Yes, we are still alive and well. The wheat free thing really threw me for a loop and I spent sooooo much time reading books and trying to find decent foods and recipes that I hadn't been on the forum for a very long time, but none the less have been thinking of all of you all.


Our son tested postive for milk too, but I haven't noticed a thing with raw milk...he seems to tolerate it just fine. This is the best he has ever been. Not only are his tics gone, but he is so happy and a pleasure to be around, he doesn't seem like the same child. Even though his tics had greatly improved we were still struggling big time with mood swings!


So far I have been really happy with the FOS powder.


Best of luck,



Guest Guest_efgh

Jennifer, welcome back! I was just thinking of you and coincidentally you posted!!! glad to know that your son is doing great. we are happy for you. Is he still on the whole set of supplements ? What are the supplements he is currently on?

What do you think is the reason for such great improvement OTHER THAN NO WHEAT or do you think that was the main cause..

Do you let him watch TV freely these days? If so, is he tic free when he watches TV?

Really great to know that you are around and things are going fine!

Keep in touch and take care.




I really think that the wheat allergy had a lot to do with the problems. In most of the cases a wheat intolerance inflames the lining of the gut and can create a "leaky gut" syndrome. His stool test showed that he was not digesting his food....a cause of the wheat intolerence. If the stomach cannot function properly than the body cannot assimilate food and nutrients. I think I mentioned in one of my other posts that many of the neurotransmitters are manufactured in the stomach, so a healthy stomach is of vital importance!!


We aren't taking near the supplements we used to. The doctor put him on a child's mutl-vit. from Thorne Laboratories which has most of the vitamins he used to take, but the amounts aren't nearly as high. We are still doing the body bio electrolytes and minerals as well as chlorella (I ordered the one from Dr. Mercola) Flax and fish oil, iron citrate (he is anemic) , digestive enzymes, vit C, probiotics and FOS, amino acid complex (he is way low on just about every amino acid). The doctor feels very confident that with the healing of the stomach his nutritonal issues with a little bit of help will resolve themselves, he was basically suffering from malapsorption. He used to eat non stop and yet he is a thin child. He doesn't eat nearly as much as he used to eat and can go for a while without eating, even though he may be hungry he is not experiencing the drop in blood sugar that he used to. This expreience has made me realize how important starting with the stomach really is.


We still have the elevated levels of lead and mercury to deal with, but my hope is that the chlorella will take care of that. Once his nutrient levels and the yeast issues are resolved we may pursue the detox issue a little more intensely.


The first couple of weeks we went wheat free were very ugly. He was going through withdrawls..the doctor warned us of that. He was impossible to be around and his tics were terrible. About week 3 things started mellowing out and now he is great!



Guest Jeff

Claire, With respect to your question about Feingold and Whole Foods. No, you may not assume that everything at Whole Foods is "Feingold approved". However, many of the products that are FG approved are sold at Whole Foods. I wish I had a WF nearby so I could shop there. Specifically, I'd like to try their 365 brand sodas, as they supposedly do not have corn syrup.

I would guess that many of the products at WF would be okay to use even if they are not FG approved. FG is constantly researching so many products that the volunteers cannot possibly keep up with all of them.

If the label reads "clean", then I would probably give it a try and see if there was a reaction.



Thanks Jeff!


I put Feingold in the subject hoping you would spot it. :)


It sure seems like the philosophies are similar.


My son reacts to corn so we avoid corn syrup--Whole Foods has a Heinz ketchup with no corn syrup. My son doesn't seem to have salicyte issues, so I give him ketchup.



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