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Guest Guest_efgh

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Guest Guest_efgh



How many of your kids have had this tic wherein they tend to imitate or repeat other people's actions. How common is this tic. I have seen my son do this once in a while. like for example if he sees a child apply lipgloss , he tends to repeat that action a couple of times .. any one else experienced this?


your inputs please. I am a bit worried on this since I read that this is a complex motor tic and I am afraid he should not end up repeating/imitating his teacher's /friend's actions..



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echopraxia and echolalia are Tourette tics, and I must say I would be surprised if they exhibited in a transient tic disorder, which is what I understood is what your son has?


Many younger kids copy what others say or do so he may well just be doing that, rather than exhibiting actual echopraxia?


Yes, my son has had both and no, it has not been problematic as we tell people whom he has contact with that he has TS, so they understand and so far no-one has taken offence. perhaps if he mimiced a stranger they may not understand...but that has never happened......anyway, since his tics have been so mild these last years I must confess i have rarely seen the echopraxia and the echolalia is only occasional, if he hears an unusual word or sound that catches his attention.

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Guest Guest_efgh



thanks a ton. TS is NOT genetic in my son's case. But why did you think that his case was a transient tic disorder. As a mother, I feel that its not typical childhood behaviour what my son is doing but I feel its echopraxia. He tends to imitate any strange action or sound once in a while. To a stranger, it may not be noticeable but for a mother who knows about the entire spectrum, its disturbing..


Somehow I feel that some of the TS cases are not genetic too from my small survey in latitudes in braintalk. what do you think about it.


If a child aged ten exhibits occasional echopraxia/echolalia does it mean that his TS is severe??



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Hi efgh


Yes,not all cases of TS are genetic, although the vast majority are...I just thought that your son did NOT have a TS diagnosis, but rather a tic disorder? Sorry if I misunderstood.


Having lived with severe TS, rest assured... echopraxia/lalia are not necessarily indications of severe TS

If it is severe it is debilitating and often injurious, and controls almost every waking moment.

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Guest Guest_efgh



You are right about the TS diagnosis not confirmed yet officially though when I read a lot about it, I sort of feel that he may fulfill the criteria soon. MOreover, i have read a lot that transient tic disorders are not associated with OCD symptoms. My son has some mild OCD symptoms too.

Officially my son has not completed one full year after the onset of motor and vocal tics.. He would be completing so next month. so the doctor said, the official diagnosis can be made after a month THOUGH its JUST a label according to him since he says there is JUST NO difference in the approach as long as the child is not unduly bothered by his tics.




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