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article on flax vs fish from Dr mercola

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Guest Guest_efgh
Fish & Cod Liver Oil--Not Flax--Lower Inflammation


It is known that adding fish oil, which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids with EPA and DHA, to your diet is reported to decrease several markers of the immune system. However, whether it is EPA, DHA or a combination of both that affects the functioning of the immune system remains unclear.


To find out, a study was conducted to determine the immune system effects of adding EPA-rich or DHA-rich oils to the diet of healthy humans.


The study, which was a double blind parallel and placebo-controlled, consisted of 42 healthy adults who were randomly chosen to receive either placebo oil (olive oil), EPA-rich oil or DHA-rich oil for a four-week period. Samples of blood were drawn before and after taking the oil.


The results of the study showed that the effects of the EPA were significantly different from the DHA. While those who took the DHA-rich oil showed a decrease in T lymphocyte activation, which helps keep virus-infected or malignant cells in check, there was no significant change among the EPA-rich oil group.


Conclusions from the study revealed that the use of DHA supplementation, but not EPA, restrained the T lymphocyte activation. It was also discovered that neither EPA nor DHA significantly affected any other area of the immune system.


American Journal of Clinical Nutrition April 2004;79(4) 674-681




Dr. Mercola's Comment:

Most of you know I am a major fan of cod liver oil and fish oil. I write about it so much that when you type in cod liver oil in Google, my articles comes up number one and fish oil comes up number 6 (this is amazing to me as there are over 4 million indexed articles on fish oil).


When I read this new study, I was prompted to do a little mini-review update on how you can optimize your health benefits with these oils and clear up some confusion many people have.


Your body cannot make omega-3 fats--it must get them from your diet. There are two main options, vegetable- or animal-based omega-3 fats. The major source of animal omega-3 fat is fish and cod liver oils and they are loaded with high-order omega-3 fats like EPA and DHA.


The primary plant-based omega-3 is flax and it has ALA. Many are not aware of the study I posted two years ago that showed ALA from flax is not equivalent in its biological effects to the long-chain omega-3 fats found in fish and cod liver oils. Your body converts only about 1 percent of ALA into EPA and even far less into DHA, which is a longer fat.


You many not know that it is DHA, not EPA, that is one of the primary fats in your brain. This study points out that DHA, and not EPA, is primarily responsible for the positive immune stimulation benefits of fish and cod liver oils as they suppress a number of markers of immune function including:


Lymphocyte proliferation

Cytotoxic T lymphocyte activity

Natural killer (NK) cell activity

Production of cytokines in laboratory animals

It is my impression that large numbers of people are seriously confused on this issue. I am always surprised when I lecture across the country how many people are still consuming flaxseed oil. Flaxseed oil should be given to a neighbor or relative that you don't like. Please don't use it.



Nearly all of us benefit from the ALA in flax, but we should not consume flax as an oil, it should be consumed as freshly ground organic flaxseeds. This decreases oxidation of the perishable fats and also provides valuable water-soluble fibers called lignins.



It is also unwise to consume DHA by itself. Even though it is likely far more important than EPA, it is wise to consume them in their natural ratios. If you ever look at a cod liver oil label, you will see that although EPA and DHA are the primary fats there are clearly other fats in there that the body uses and have not been clearly identified as being useful. However, the whole fish food oil, not an isolated extract of DHA or EPA/DHA, is what is most likely going to provide all the omega-3 health benefits you need.



It’s important to remember that when choosing your cod liver oil or fish oil, that not all brands are the same. I have found in my research and clinical experience with my patients, that the liquid form is superior to capsules.



Also, certain brands are definitely inferior to others and I have found that the Carlson’s brand of fish oil/cod liver is of exceptional quality and purity, which is why I recommend it on Mercola.com. You can also check your local health food store to see if they carry it.



Chemar and others - what is your view on NO FLAX? Since I seem to be using flax oil with success for the past one year or so, was wondering....your thoughts please!


I am not too sure what to say efgh .....I have a lot of respect for Dr Mercola, but he is writing to THE GENERAL POPULATION there, and not specifically to those with neurological issues.


If my son takes fishoil alone, he tics, gets restless and irritable etc.

When i use the Natrol combo,(Flaxseed, Borage and fish oil)plus Evening Primrose Oil, he is fine.

I recently tried a new combo that still has all the flax,borage and primrose, PLUS EXTRA FISHOIL and his tics went higher than they have been in years.

He has only just started to stabilise again.

Guest Guest_efgh



Your experience/OBSERVATION is amazing ... Did you remove the extra fish oil after he started to tic more?

Not only you and me, I have HEARD about a LOT of cases who tend to tic MORE when they start using fish oil. Flax seems to HELP A LOT of people for tics as compared to fish oil.

thanks and goodluck to your son!


Yes, I stopped that new combo that had increased fishoil in it and went back to the Natrol combo with lower fishoil.


The tic reduction was immediate the first day he stopped taking the other capsule! tho it is taking a while to come back to the low levels he was at before I foolishly decided to mess with his mix :wub: The old saying fits here: "If it aint broke, dont fix it!"


I know many people, including some of our therapists, who ar vegetarian and so dont go near fish oil and they are in excellent health.....they use flaxseed only, or combined with the other non-marine oils that are high in good fatty acids.(Borage, evening primrose etc)

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