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A question about TS and Allergies

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if you are using a good multivitamin, it should be providing 100% of the RDA (recommended daily allowance) of EACH of the B vitamins.


People with TS seem to require extra of SOME of the Bvits, most noticeably Vit B6 and Vit B1....and for some people. ....Vit B5


Royal Jelly is a nutrient rich product that covers a very wide range of ingredients


We were advised to use it as an ADDITION to our supplement program...as i have already mentioned, we react adversely to B Complex.

My son therefore takes his multivit, PLUS Royal Jelly PLUS separate B1 and B6

When he has tooth/jaw tics, we add an extra B5 for a while.

Guest Guest_efgh

Chemar, thanks. Do you NOT give vitamin B12 separately (apart from the multi) to your son?


Nope....I dont give him B12 extra from what he gets thru the multi and Royal Jelly.

His profile showed he doesnt need it.


I take extra B12 tho.....it is very important for my system and I get very lethargic and rundown when i skip it.

Guest Guest_efgh

Chemar, thanks. what brand and dosage of vitamin B 12 do you generally suggest for my 10 year old son? Since he takes no dairy, meat etc he needs B 12 supplement.

Did you get a vitamin profile done for your son? What is the name of the test which showed that he has adequate B 12?





I use Rexall brand of B vitamins.


The Vitamin analysis was part of his full spectrum blood tests and was also done thru the radiogenics.

Guest Guest



Boy we are really picking your brain this week! I hope you know how much it's appreciated.


I went on Bonnies website to figue out the dosage of the B vits for my son and I will go with her dosage recomendations and see how it goes. On her vitamins there is also B3 & B2 do you give these to your son also and if so do you know what these are good for. One more question, What exactly is royal jelly?


I will be putting my whole family on the B1 just for the Mosquitos. We do a lot of camping and my kids alway get such bad bites. Thanks for the info....


Thank You



Hi Gina


the best place to find out all about most supplements is at iHerb.com's Health Encyclopedia.......if you dont see it there under a name you are familiar with, it is probably still there, but just under a different name....eg Pantothenic Acid for VitB5 etc




My son gets the full RDA of ALL the B vitamins from just his multivitamin......


I dont give him extra B3 or B2........he doesnt need extra riboflavin(B2) and reacts to too much Niacin(B3)......even the No-flush variety that Bonnie recommends.

We tried giving it to him when he was showing the Tardive Dyskinesia after being on the meds.....but it made him fee very weird......and we have tried it again on a number of occasions but he just cant handle it!


Thankfully the Tardive symptoms went away.....dont know exactly what got rid of them but I was very pleased to say bye!!!!!


As to Royal Jelly......it is a substance produced by the queen bee and this is used to feed the baby bees.

A lot of research has been done on it and it is, IMHO, one of those "wonder" supplements......another testimony to the infinite complexity of Creation :)


It contains a wealth of nutrients, and is very rich in vit B.........


if you can afford it, the best brand I think is Bee Alive.....you can learn lots about Royal Jelly from the Bee Alive website




but many of the "freeze dried" cheaper brands do still have very good content, like the one made by NOW

Guest Guest_Gina

Thanks for the website info it is very helpful. I am so new to all this vitamine stuff, it's like another language...


I plan on starting my son on just the B6 (50mg) along with his regular Multi Vitamin. How long should I wait to introduce the next one or up the amount of the B6? Is ther a general rule for this?



it is a good idea to add vits at the minimum dose and then wait about 1 week till you add the next one or 2 weeks before you up the dose.


If your son is on a multivit that has B6(pyridoxine) in it, then he really shouldnt need more than 50mg B6 extra, unless there is reason to believe he may have pyroluria, in which case more B6 is required, along with zinc

FJ*, on the BrainTalk forum is the expert on that.


Usually (and this is what I do, based on Bonnie's research) for TS, it is a good idea to give extra B6, along with additional calcium, magnesium and zinc......these often come ready blended.

Guest Guest_efgh



I would just like to share with you the vitamin regimen that I have been following for my son


Morning - 1 good multivit/mineral

Afternoon - 1 tbspn flax oil and some extra calcium calitrate 150 mg and zinc 10 mg

Night - some extra calcium 150 mg and magnesium taurate 150 mg


I used to give him a B complex along with the multivit in the morning but stopped it now after his reaction to it.


My son seems OK with the above regimen. Do you suggest any changes further?


Clarifications I need

1) He takes no extra B complex (any form of B other than what the multi gives him)

2) He is no NO dairy, meat etc so B12 is an issue.

3) I just give flax oil (it may not contain Vit E but the multi has a trace of Vitamin E)

4) Can I just add "royal jelly" to this (for the vitamin B's) ?? Any reactions or side effects to be looked for? Does it need a doctor's approval?

5) I have read that magnesium is generally supplemented with extra B 1 and Zinc with B 6. I have not done so (he gets his B6 and B1 (the RDA values only) from his multivit). Since he is doing OK so far, I am a little skeptical to play around again with this and just have him on the magnesium taurate without additional B1 or B 6 - Is that ok?





if your son is doing well on what you give him, I would say why change it??


Royal Jelly ( the Bee Alive and other reputable sources) is VERY safe EXCEPT for people who already have allergies to bee products.


My strongest reccomendation to you still is to find an Integrative doctor or a naturopath or even a holistic nutrition therapist who can offer qualified guidance on supplementation specifically suited to your son's needs


As you discovered with the fish oil and possibly the B complex....even individuals with similar symptoms sometimes need different treatments.


It is also important to remember that my son has the full Tourette Syndrome spectrum of disorders......whereas many of you are dealing with transient tics or tics induced by toxins, allergies, strep or whatever........in our case, although these issues caused an escalation of his symptoms...correcting them has not magically "cured" his genetics!! He carries the TS gene and it did switch on around his 10th birthday.


His profile is therefore not necessarily related to others here.


That is why individual profiling, followed by appropriate treatment is truly the best route to follow


I feel the benefit of sharing here is so that others can go to their physicians armed with info and request action where necessary.......as we have all discovered...even the most well intentioned doc dont always know everything...and the best ones will research and become informed...and so become even better at helping!


Guest Guest_efgh



thanks for your valuable info. As you must be aware from my previous posts, I am in constant touch with my naturopath. He was the one who suggested fish oil and B complex. He suggested that I switch from flax to fish oil due to its benefits.

Thanks for your info on royal jelly. will check on this with my naturopath before starting that.



must confess, I didnt realise that you were seeing a naturopath.


Has he run the tests to form a profile for your son?


That really is the best way to formulate a good plan......


sorry for not remembering if you posted about test results......I sometimes get lost between here, BrainTalk, our stuff and business :)


Royal Jelly really is such a good nutrient....especially for a child like yours who has to avoid the dairy etc....as long as he isnt allergic to bee products, it can only be of benefit IMO

Guest Guest_efgh



I can understand. Its IMPOSSIBLE to keep track of each and every post of each and every individual. In fact, we should be grateful to you that despite your preoccupations, you take time to help the newcomers out here. I really admire your patience and positive attitude. :)


The detailed update on my naturopath visit is in the thread




Is there any quick way to find if my son is allergic to bee products (for royal jelly?)

Can I get royal jelly across the counter or is it a prescription product?Can I get it in health stores? any recommended brand?




thanks efgh..... :)


quickest way to test for a bee product allergy is with HONEY!



Royal Jelly is freely available over the counter at most health stores.

Generally, it is sold as the freeze dried product (NOW has a good one...in variable doses)

However, although the freeze dried versions are good......

here is, IMHO, the best Royal Jelly source.....(and a VERY informative website too)




The lady who formulated this product has her own "miracle" story related to it

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