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Yes, she has used the Carlson Salmon Oil in past..seems like it made her mentally worse, but will try again.


sparky, my son dare not take any form of fish oil as it sets off tics big time for him. he can eat fish without problem, but just cant tolerate the fish oil supplement

He takes flaxseed oil instead

sparky,'d like to understand a little better your daughter's symptoms. Are you saying she only just started tics at age 12? or has just had excitable movements like the wrist movement you described, mostly? is this like stimming? She is not on the autistic spectrum? but she does have some tics now? sorry, just trying to get the history. Is the anorexia under control now?


we have had some discussion on older threads about the strep B that you mention. several of us here have had that positive b strep while pregnant. I wonder if that means anything? but we were treated with antibiotic at the time, so the bacteria wouldn't or couldn't pass to the baby, right? don't know there, but I find it interesting.


Have you found anything remarkable regarding the NAET treatments? I had been doing that with my son for 5-6 months without any positive effect on his tics or any of his behaviors. :mellow: We had not got to the strep yet tho. I'd be interested to know what happens when she clears that.




Faith, My d stated doing the movements at least 4 months old, she is now almost 13. I guess people would call it stimming, the neuro doc when we took her age 2-3 siad "stereotypes"....seen in delayed kids mostly he said, but some non delayed kids have them .. He thought she may grow out of them. Mainly the hands bilaterally back and forth rotates side to side at wrist, but also moves her fingers back and forth...very very rapidly. when baby she would move her feet like this . This week in teh van she surprised me and held out her legs stiff when doing the hands..sometimes facial grimaces and holds breath and stares intenly into space momentarily. she hld breath like that as baby too sometimes, but not very long. She only does this when she is excited or if she is even thinking about something she likes..she is in her little world and will do it with her thoughts..she's highly intelligent, very social, no behavior problems.


She had fears of some noises when toddler, had a strong startle reflex that lasted a good while, had dog phobia and fear of thunderstorms, more than avearage age 7-8, the eating disorder was last year and it was fear of fats, carbs, gaining weight..real fears.


I was in touch with a Dr. mentioned here recently and this doctor said in email they don't know everything about the strep and the fact I did have strep b at time of delivery

maybe be important. Yes AN is under control, thank God, literally. much much better.


Sorry, will get to your other questions tomorrow...

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