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I was wondering if anyone has had success with getting their child chiropractic adjustments? When I was at Dr. Sims with my ds, dr. sims noticed through examination and x-rays that my ds's spine is out of line (curving to the left). He also pulls his jaw to the left when he bites. The naturopath examined him today and said he definitely has some stress that is pulling his spine out of line. We are going to see a chiropractor next week. Will it hurt my ds? I am a bit scared. Could it cause more tics or could it get rid of some tics? Any info would be helpful.


We took our son to the chiropractic in the past and just began again recently dut to headaches. She said he was out of alignment. I have not ever noticed it causing more tics, but didn't really see alot go away either. WE did it with a Cranial Sacral Therapy....we noticed change from that in the beginning and then not so much so we stopped that also. HTH




  mylittleangel said:
I was wondering if anyone has had success with getting their child chiropractic adjustments? When I was at Dr. Sims with my ds, dr. sims noticed through examination and x-rays that my ds's spine is out of line (curving to the left). He also pulls his jaw to the left when he bites. The naturopath examined him today and said he definitely has some stress that is pulling his spine out of line. We are going to see a chiropractor next week. Will it hurt my ds? I am a bit scared. Could it cause more tics or could it get rid of some tics? Any info would be helpful.



I have had alignments done on me and my older son when he was much younger and it does not hurt. Our chiropractor in Fl had 3 kids and he would manipulate them as well, he beleived it kept them much healthier. Once your child gets accustomed to it, he could actually enjoy having work done on him. I suffered from severe migranes and he really helped me with them.


If you are lucky and find a very good chiropractor, he will explain how the mis-alignment of certain parts of our bodies affect the nerves as well and your organs.


I can't say anything about the possibility of causing or reduction of tics.


Good luck



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