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Guest Guest_efgh

hi all


Was just curious to know how many of your kids are extroverts and are very social with all kinds of people? I read somewhere that people with TS

1) are not extroverts

2) are not so social and outgoing

3) do not wish/greet people on their own - hesitate to use "good morning, good night", etc

4) Use "please, sorry, thankyou" sparingly

5) are not so good in initiating coversations - use more monosyllables.

6) don't like switching from activity A to activity B. In other words they take time to start off with a fresh activity after closing the previous activity.

7) lacks POSITIVE thinking.

8) Not so independent

9) Not so sympathetic

10)Get upset easily


Do you all think that these qualities are associated with TS or its just a particilar individual's NATURE.


How many of your kids fall under one or more of these categories? Was wondering if the above is true with regard to most of the TS kids (irrespective of the tics). I can understand that due to tics they may have the above qualities. But when they are tic free and are in the waning stage too, do they HAVE THESE QUALITIES just because they have TS or can we assume that its JUST their nature...?

would be interested in having your replies/experiences on this..


Hi efgh


where did you read that? :P


It couldnt be further from the truth for my son!


He is extrovert, very social, very outgoing and positive, very articulate, very polite with his greetings and pleases and thank yous, extremely independent and one of the most sympathetic and compassionate people i have ever met.


The only parts on your list that he does fit are the fact that he does like to switch activities at his own pace, and can get upset fairly easily. Negative thinking only appears when OCD is up, which hasnt happened since he went on supps. Come to think of it, he doesnt ebven get as easily upset anymore.


Somehow, i think that perhaps that list refers more to people who may have developed psycological issues because of being misundrstood or mistreated because of the TS.......this did happen to my husband thru most of his life and i can see some of those characteristics in him at times.....tho he too is much improved since taking supps and actually realising that he had TS once we started learning about it after my son's dx 4+ yrs ago.


I think, whereas TS has certain physiological attributes that are fairly common...many of the emotional and psycological issues are very much individual!

Guest Guest_efgh

Chemar, Experience does speak! Thanks for your quick useful and a NICE reply.

One of my friends with a TS kid just forwarded the above list to me stating that she read it somewhere.

Do you think these qualities form a part of Aspergers Syndrome or autism? She asked me this but I was not sure...Your inputs please since I do not know anything about autism or aspergers...



Guest Guest_efgh

Forgot to add in my above post that my friend's son with those symptoms is 10 years old . Autism and Aspergers is generally detected at a very early age, isn't it?


Jean, wanted to ask if you are still giving the B complex to your son on a daily basis? Are you giving it in addition to the multivit that you give? did your doctor approve your B complex? Since it contained a lot of vitamin C something like 250 mg , I was just clarifying with you..How is your son doing now?



can our vitamin regimen have more vitamin C than RDA?? Most of the GOOD

B complex tablets contain a lot of vitamin C around 250 mg (though RDA value is around 125 mg per day). Is that ok? any side effects possible??


Claire, Heather and Ronnas


Glad to know that your kids are doing great now. Even my son's tics are practically minimal after No TV, no dairy and no chocolates. I am just hoping that the trend continues.




Yes, that vitaminshoppe.com site is pretty useful. I was giving floradix to my son all along but last month I switched over to calcium citrate capsules from www.allergyresearchgroup.com or www.nutricology.com since floradix gets over in just a week and I need to keep ordering every week. But, the calcium citrate capsules from this company are not only very PURE but also works out much cheaper.




Do you all give the capsules with the gelatin cover itself or do you empty the contents in food, juice etc?




Many children with Autism or Aspergers also suffer from tic disorders. Many of the symptoms overlap. In high functioning cases of Aspergers an accurate diagnosis may not be evident until later. I brought my son in when he was 3 to my pediatrician with some concerns I had, but everything was chalked up to "normal childhood development". Also if the problem is vaccine induced, booster shots which they normally get caught up on when they are 5, may be the straw that breaks the camel's back , in which case you may not see the full consequences until a year or two down the road as happend in our case.


The list your friend sent you sounds like more like Asperger's to me. That's not to say that a child with Asperger's may not also suffer from a full blown case of tics. Between the two the tics are probably what stand out more and so the child gets the diagnosis of Tourett's Syndrome when in fact there is a lot more going on.


I don't know if you read it yet, but I did post alot of the symptoms we see in our son under the DAN doctor visit thread.





Hi Efgn,


I'm not giving him the B-complex at this time. I'm basically waiting for his test results that probably will be ready next week. His stool test was delayed due to the antibiotics and our naturopath switched it to another lab (Doctor's data, Inc. , has anyone heard about it). She said this one covers more elements than the other one. He tics more than last month especially head/arm tics. He's been having difficult time to go to sleep this week. It takes him about 1+ hrs. daily to get him sleep although he's very tired. On the other hand, I'm a little lose on his diet. I let him eat yohgurt these days. I'll post more once the test results come out.


Hi efgh,


My son is also outgoing, etc...the opposite of most things on your list. I had the same reaction as Chemar, that those traits may be a negative result should relentless teasing and being ostracized occur. Or Jennifers comment that that sounded more like Aspergers/Autism.


I think we have gotten rid of the mold in our house, my son no longer gets upset easily. He does get mad if he thinks I will make him look foolish by bringing in different food to events or not letting him partake, but I think that is healthy for this age--he doesn't want to get teased for an over-protective mother. I am working on solutions to this--as you know, tonight is my experiment with bringing alternate snacks. I am hoping to turn the tides in my favor by bringing in icecream treats without artificial colors--more expensive--but the rarity of icecream should grab there attention They need to make the packaging look more like junkier food to fool the kids!


To all,


It occurred to me that my son's new step improvement during/following his illness may have been due to yeast die-off. He basically starved the yeast to death with a 4 day fast. Maybe this explains his extra intense illness and weakness too. Just a thought of course.



Guest Ronna

Hi all,


I would have to agree with the rest that the 10 characteristics mentioned do not describe my son at all. I have read alot about autism and asperger's and it does sound like asperger's to me.


Kurt did tend to become very upset easily but this has disappeared with the change in diet.


We do give the vitamins in the capsules as Kurt swallows pills quite easily and he does not like smoothies which is just as good because he cannot have milk.


I am glad to hear your son is also improving with the change in diet and no TV.


Take Care,



I'm fifteen & have had TS foraround seven years & the only symptoms on that list that I've ever experienced are the one about preferring to finish one thing & go onto the other & the short temper (getting upset really easily.) Both of these, I'm fairly sure, have something to do with having TS. On the positive side, people with TS are generally creative thinkers & in touch with nature. Not everything about TS is a bad thing- I think alot of people misunderstand that. It's hard to classify symptoms depending on the person, but as a whole, TS afflicted individuals do not apply to most of what is on that list. :P

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