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soy milk

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Guest Guest_Heather



Yes, I do agree that everyone needs to be individually tested to find the right steps to help in healing. I also believe that my son is low in antioxidants and am now considering going to the DAN doctor as well to have some of the specific testing done as far as vitamin, mineral, fatty acid deficiencies. I do feel my son has antioxidant problems and that is what caused the heavy metal build up but no testing has been done for these deficiencies, only for heavy metals. Anyway, thanks for your info about the antioxidants. I am checking out some of the stuff you recommended. In the meantime I got some Greens+ for children at the Health Food Store close by that is full of antioxidants. When I searched it on the internet and looked at the product ingredients, I was amazed at what it is loaded with and it is very stringently tested for contaminates and heavy metals. Thanks for sharing.




Don't know a lot about soy. Sorry

  • 2 years later...

I've only recently realized that i had tourette. I knew something was wrong with me but only found out about it when reading an article about someone with Tourette and read the symptoms.


I've been taking magnesium, calcium, Vitamin B6 and OPC and avoiding dairy (but taking soy instead and now i am thinking i should stop it) and stopped taking caffeine - but i don't see improvement in my condition. I was reading this site and noticed heavy metal and yeast mentioned. What can one do to reduce it if that is causing it? (i will schedule an appt with an allergy doctor so that I can determine what i am allergic to but since i recently switched jobs, i want to wait for a while more before taking time off from work to go see doctors...)


Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.


Hi flower,


So glad you found this site, and hope you have had time to read through more posts since your first message. There is so much information here, on yeast and allergy testing, and the type of Dr.s and testing that can be the most beneficial. It may be good that you take a little time to read and ask questions before you start making appts. There is a ton to learn!


There are so many reasons you may not be seeing improvements with the things you are trying so far. I'm going to post a link to a site that I order my sons vitamins from. Even if your not interested in the Bontech supplements, it's a useful site to read through. http://www.bonniegr.com/index.htm


Keep reading here and ask questions when ever you need to. Use the search box at the bottom left to help find topics you suspect may pertain to your situation.


Please don't be discouraged that you haven't seen results yet. You may not be taking absorbable forms of the supplements that you're using, they may not be the right dosage for your needs, lots of things to work through. A good Dr. experienced in Alternative or Integrative therapies is usually very useful in helping you sort through it all. There are also specific tests that many have found extremly helpful, instead of guessing .


Again, welcome and I hope you find the information here as helpful as I have!




Hi Flower,


My friend is a nutritionist and he advised us to stay away from soy. I don't remember the reasons but I remember it's not really as good for us as is being advertised. My 12 yr. old drinks rice milk. I've had it with my cereal a number of times and it's pretty good. I actually prefer it to normal milk. Kim gave you some great advice. Just know it's a journey and along the way you'll find something that helps, some things that don't and you'll continue to find your way and the "fog" will start to clear. Goodluck to you.




Thank you so much, Kim and Sydsmom. Yes, I have been reading more postings in this forum and it is really helpful. I am just so grateful that so many people are sharing information and trying to help each other. You have no idea how much emotional support this gives me.


I took a look at the Bontech's site and since I already have many of the vitamins that's included in her ingredients, I may buy what I don't have and see how that works. I know I cannot expect results overnight so I will stick with each for a while and see how it works and if it does not seem to be working, will try other things. And I will try tice milk too. (Never knew such thing existed!)


Thank you again for your response!!




You're welcome!


This is a site that you may want to look at. I'm posting the link for magnesium, but there is one for calcium and many others. I use magnesium taurate for my boys, that I order from the Bontech site.


There are so many forms of these things, I still get confused when I try to buy things individually.


I have found this to be really easy to read.



It was written by a woman named Karen Defelice who is the author of this book.




Also, the director of this forum, Sheila Rogers has published a book


Tics and Tourette's: Breakthrough Discoveries in Natural Treatments.






I have not read either of these books, but I hear they are both excellent.




Thank you, Kim!


I will check those sites (magnesium, etc). I've actually read Sheila Rogers' book and that is what gave me hope and made me think of finding ways to get this treated via natural treatments. I was afraid to go to a neurologist and get treated with western medicine because of possible side effects.


Thank you again!




Just wanted to add that my son's were both given soy formula as infants. IMO there are TOO MANY scarey things about this stuff, especially when used as infant formula, and I would be very leary about using a soy replacement for milk.




Soybeans are high in phytic acid, present in the bran or hulls of all seeds. It's a substance that can block the uptake of essential minerals--calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and especially zinc--in the intestinal tract. Although not a household word, phytic acid has been extensively studied; there are literally hundreds of articles on the effects of phytic acid in the scientific literature. Scientists are in general agreement that grain- and legume-based diets high in phytates contribute to widespread mineral deficiencies in third world countries




Thank you again, Kim. My being Japanese, it is quite shocking to learn now that Soy beans aren't all that good for you when we grew up using soysauce and eating dishes with soybeans in every other meal. I will check out the link you gave me. But since reading postings saying Soy Milk isn't good for you, I have stopped taking it as substitute for milk and have been trying both Goat Milk and Rice Milk.




You say goats milk and the hair on the back of my neck stands up! My oldest son and I bought some goat milk powder. We wanted to try it out, before giving it to my younger son. We both just about hurlded it across the kitchen. I don't know if it was so awful because it was powder, or if it all tastes that bad :wacko:

Are you able to tolerate it?




I did not buy it in powder form but in a regular milk container. It does have this smell and I don't think I can drink it straight (haven't even tried it) but I use it for cereal. (Did not go well with decaf coffee either.) If it's with cereal with banana in it, it's not bad at all. :)

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