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Gaby had complained recently about some internal rectal itching and she has been extremely giggly. The ped thinks its pinworms and it could be - have to see if I can visualize by checking at night. Also could be yeast (symptoms similar). However, I checked on the internet to find out more about parasites in general and apparently when you have a compromised immune system, you are more susceptible to parasite infestations in the gut (some of which can apparently travel to the nervous system and cause parkinson's like movements) - depending on the type of parasite some can cause brain fog, dark circles under the eyes and sleep disturbances. The toxins that are released from the wasteproducts of these parasites can cause bloating and weight gain and other unpleasant symptoms. They also cause an inflammatory response (which of course in our kids can get everything stirred up).


I've decided to do a parasite cleanse with natural ingredients (fresh ground cloves - can't be already ground from the grocery store-have lost their med properties, black walnut hulls and wormwood). I think I may buy this with the ingredients already put together because I want to be sure that I get the amounts right. One brand I found on line is called Clarkia Parasite cleanse and they have doses listed for children based on their weight. It's about $25, but I'll check at my local health store to see if they carry anything like it for less. The worst that can happen is nothing. There are no side effects. Apparently the walnut hulls and wormwood are deadly to adult worms and the cloves kill the eggs. This covers a wide variety of parasites - not just pinworms. I've also read that pomegranate juice several times a day can kill tapeworms and 1/4 cup finely ground pumpkin seeds can kill other types of worms. Just to be on the safe side, I might do this - as I said, it can't hurt. The only thing to watch out for is allergies to walnuts. They recommend that they drink a lot of water during this time to help eliminate the dead parasites.


I did find something similar in the health food store, but it's more expensive and doesn't give recommended dosing instructions for children - also contains a few more ingredients, so I am going to go with the Clarkia brand that I found on line. In the meantime, I did give her some fresh ground cloves yesterday and I made a paste of crushed pumpkin seeds and honey. I also added some honey roasted sunflower seeds for texture and formed it into a little granola bar. I have to say that it was very tasty. It's probably quite nutritious besides effective against gut parasites. Having read a little more on the subject, apparently most people have a fair number of these in their system - children having more than adults because of their poorer sanitary habits (ie. washing hands before eating, etc) But kids with immune disorders seem to have more than the average person (something about low levels of zinc - which is probably why the pumpkin seeds are effective - they're supposedly high in zinc and this is deadly to the parasites).


In any case, several of the sites I went to recommend doing a parasite cleanse twice a year for children - it helps with proper digestion, decreased complaints of stomach pains, bloating, gas, and more efficient functioning of the immune system (since most of it is located in the gut). So even if there is not an actual pinworm infestation - which is where the itching comes from - it would still be a good thing to do this twice annually to help the gut and immune system function better. Since the 3 main ingredients in Clarkia are natural (cloves, walnut hulls and wormwood), they are safe for kids to take and according to the directions I saw on line, you start with a couple small doses and gradually work up over a 3 week period - then you're done.


Is there a test for these worms? My son is itchy also with stomach discomfort and trouble falling asleep. I thought maybe it was from bad wiping but I helped him yesterday and he seemed clean. (sorry for the graphics) Thanks for the info on honey and pumpkin seeds. I wonder if he is getting yeast again too?



I did find something similar in the health food store, but it's more expensive and doesn't give recommended dosing instructions for children - also contains a few more ingredients, so I am going to go with the Clarkia brand that I found on line. In the meantime, I did give her some fresh ground cloves yesterday and I made a paste of crushed pumpkin seeds and honey. I also added some honey roasted sunflower seeds for texture and formed it into a little granola bar. I have to say that it was very tasty. It's probably quite nutritious besides effective against gut parasites. Having read a little more on the subject, apparently most people have a fair number of these in their system - children having more than adults because of their poorer sanitary habits (ie. washing hands before eating, etc) But kids with immune disorders seem to have more than the average person (something about low levels of zinc - which is probably why the pumpkin seeds are effective - they're supposedly high in zinc and this is deadly to the parasites).


In any case, several of the sites I went to recommend doing a parasite cleanse twice a year for children - it helps with proper digestion, decreased complaints of stomach pains, bloating, gas, and more efficient functioning of the immune system (since most of it is located in the gut). So even if there is not an actual pinworm infestation - which is where the itching comes from - it would still be a good thing to do this twice annually to help the gut and immune system function better. Since the 3 main ingredients in Clarkia are natural (cloves, walnut hulls and wormwood), they are safe for kids to take and according to the directions I saw on line, you start with a couple small doses and gradually work up over a 3 week period - then you're done.


My son actually had a horrible case of worms last summer. He had complained of bad stomach cramps for about a week with no other symptoms. Then started complaining that his bottom was hurting after he went to poop. Finally, I put it together and went in and check his bottom in the dark at night. Let me tell you, that was not a pretty sight! We ended up getting treatment for the entire family because the peditrician said it was very contagious. We had to do a thourough cleaning of the house. Wash sheets in hot water, etc. Then in two weeks, repeat the entire process, medication included to get left over eggs. Whew, it was one of the most gross things I have done as a parent. Just a mental thing I guess. Anyway, just sharing the experience. Hopefully you won't have to deal with all that. Good luck!




Excuse me for asking but how do you check for worms in the dark at night? Thanks.


My son actually had a horrible case of worms last summer. He had complained of bad stomach cramps for about a week with no other symptoms. Then started complaining that his bottom was hurting after he went to poop. Finally, I put it together and went in and check his bottom in the dark at night. Let me tell you, that was not a pretty sight! We ended up getting treatment for the entire family because the peditrician said it was very contagious. We had to do a thourough cleaning of the house. Wash sheets in hot water, etc. Then in two weeks, repeat the entire process, medication included to get left over eggs. Whew, it was one of the most gross things I have done as a parent. Just a mental thing I guess. Anyway, just sharing the experience. Hopefully you won't have to deal with all that. Good luck!




I took Gaby in to the MD today and she checked her bottom. Right around the anus it is a little inflammed - reddish which is consistent with the constant itching, scratching. Although I am going to continue with the natural remedies for a while, I think I will take the doc's advice to treat with (I think she said vermex) which she called into the pharmacy. It's one pill today, then another one in 2 weeks when the eggs might be hatching. I think I will check for them tonight before actually giving her the pill (I'll give it to her tommorrow morning). The way to see them (according to the doc) is to wait until the night (the later the better) - apparently first thing really early in the morning is best. You get a flashlight, pull off the covers in a hurry, pull down their jammies and shine the flashlight on their bottom and you should see a few white thread-like worms as they like to exit at that time of the night. The itching comes from eggs that are deposited outside around the rectum when the worms come out. Another method to check for them is to take two-sided sticky tape and place it in the crack of their bottom. As the worms exit, they will get stuck to the tape and you will see them.


The pill she prescribed will get rid of them pretty fast, but I think that if they're prone to getting them, the natural remedy would be a good thing to do for a while in addition to make sure that the cycle doesn't repeat itself. Apparently this is fairly contagious in a household - not so much in school. The reason being that the worms can come out (or maybe its the eggs) and actually live on the bed sheets or clothing and if you have more kids who are rolling around on the bed - the other thing is that as the kids scratch themselves (and don't wash their hands afterward) they tend to touch things, including food in the refrigerator while they're grazing. If you have nail biters (like Gaby) they put their fingers in their mouth and ingest the eggs that are under their nails from scratching and the cycle starts over with the eggs maturing in the intestinal tract.


sorry, that was vermox not vermex. the generic name is mebendazole. I gave her a dose at midnight because she woke up at that time (and stayed awake most of the night). Apparently it kills the adult worms right away but it takes 5 to 7 days to kill the eggs (which is the part that makes them the most itchy. She looked pretty uncomfortable this morning. I feel guilty sending her to school because she hasn't slept much. Also its important to clip the fingernails really short during that time and to wash the sheets, towels & all clothese every single day for at least a week.Additionally it is more important to bathe them (or at least wash thoroughly with a washcloth in that area) in the morning versus the evening because in the morning is when the eggs are likely to be there.




Well maybe it's a southern way of getting a diagnosis. The worms are more active at night. Our doctor told us to explain to the child first what you would be doing of course. After they had been in bed for about 30 minutes, you take a flash light and look at the anus. There was no mistaking what I saw. While they are very small, I venture to guess that nothing else wiggles around in quite the same manner. In our situation, there was no question. I have also heard of the scotch tape method. You apply a small amount of scotch tape to the anus (ouch?) and wait a few hours and then remove it and look on the tape for worms. I think my son may have gotten it from our outside dog. The doctor said this is quite common. We had the dog treated also. It was cheaper to just treat than to test then treat. Whew, the yucky stuff boys bring home.




Hi Deedee...your doc is confused (I like saying that about docs!). Dogs and cats can't get pinworms. Here's the CDC info on pinworms (notice no mention of dogs!!) http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dpd/parasites/pi...sht_pinworm.htm


As an aside...dogs and cats can get a lot of other types of worms. http://www.justanswer.com/questions/dris-d...en-pinworms-rid Tapeworms can look a lot like pinwoms. You have to swallow a flea (or eat an infected rodent) to get a tapewom so you don't have to worry too much about a child getting tapeworms from a dog. Flea control is important to prevent reinfection with tapewoms in pets.

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