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Ok first off. I heard that the bacteria of lime feeds off magnesium. Heard mixed results that you should limit mag and others say you should supplement high doses. Not sure what's true so would be Epsom salt baths be a bad idea? Also other baths would be good for lime disease. Also I'm on the antibotic omnicef and was wondering how often u think I

Should cycle to


New antibotic if neccessary


Also what about frying up some garlic in coconut oil. I heard garlic is a good antibotic and good for the immune system but if I cook it and eat it is it going to lose a lot of it's valuable properties. One thing I know is if I cook it I could eat like 10 to 12 pieces or more if I really wanted to where raw maybe just a couple. Cuz I wanted to start making like 15 pieces of garlic with a meal every couple a days to help with the lime and also cuz I love cooked garlic.


garlic cloves can be broken up and swallowed like pills with water. i've done that before. You don't have to "eat" them. they'll still make your breath smell tho if you burp <_<




This looks like an article that has some good info on raw vs cooked garlic. I was under the impression that pressed, than eaten immediately was the most beneficial. I only read the first couple of paragraphs but I'll be interested to read the rest too.


I'm wondering if you think that the onset of Lyme's correlates to the onset of your tics or any neuro problem?


edit: guess including the link might be a good idea!



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