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To Heather and Jennifer


In regard to symptoms with your children did they have eye rolling and looking to one side. My son has heavy aluminium, lead, nickel, copper and fairly high Mercury. I have got some homeopathic drops yesterday for mercury and lead, I will get the malic acid in a week hope this works. I am having trouble getting NDF in Australia, does anyone know if I can combine homeopathic drops with NDF as I don't wont to detox him to quickly. My son also shoulder shrugs and eye rolling although much better in last 2 months. Thanks

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Guest Heather

Hi again,


I am happy to answer any questions you have so don't worry about asking. That is the only way we can make our children better by learning from each other since it is all very new research.


Claire: Yes, leaky gut is the same as having too much yeast. After an extended length of time with an overgrowth of yeast in the stomach it will eventually leak though the intestinal lining and become systemic in the body.


egfh: In answer to your questions, my son had both motor and vocal tics. They started gradually about 7 months ago, first with eye blinking, then sniffing, then they worsened abruptly in October with facial grimaces. By the end of October, he started snorting and it was so bad he stayed home from school. He snorted every 5 seconds for 2 weeks. It was heart breaking to me and this is when I started all of my research. I was desparate to find something to help him and since then I have learned so much. I started reading about leaky gut syndrome and stress and too much sugar and my son fit the picture. We just moved to a new town and this move was very stressful for him.


Electrodermal is very non invasive where the child holds a metal bar in their hand and different items are placed in a metal plate beside the machine giving an electric charge to determine whether it is causing an allergic reaction or not. It is not widely accepted as being totally accurate, however, I have read enough about it to know that it can be definitely used as a guideline. It is based on the same theory as acupuncture with the theory that impulses within the body react to a certain charge.


My son drinks coral calcium water for his calcium supplement which contains calcium, magnesium and 72 trace minerals that our body needs. I have learned that many of these trace minerals are deficient in our diet these days because of the depleted soil with modern farming practices.


My son's vitamin does contain iron and copper. Why??? Have you heard something negative about these?


Yes, he is eating apples even though Feingold doesn't allow them. We are not really following that diet and my naturopath has made no mention of it.


From July - November he did have OCD where he described it as a rope being attached to him and he always had to retrace his steps when playing or he would get tangled in the rope. We thought it was a game he played at first until he became hysterical a couple of times when he was unable to retrace the same path. The OCD disappeared during the first month of the natural treatment. He says he no longer thinks about the rope. His snorting has almost disappeared at this time...once in a while. The only thing he does at this point is rub his hand over his cheeks and sort of pokes them gently. It is hard to describe but it is minor and it is something he can't control. Each day gets a little better and I am praying that it is the NDF drops that is causing this improvement. He has been on the drops for about 1 1/2 weeks and not even a full dose yet. I know tics can come and go so only time will tell. I will keep you posted.

Guest Heather`



Sorry for writing so much but I want to share as much as I can. If this heals my son I want to spread the word as much as I can.


Marretts: I am not sure about the NDF along with the homepathic treatment. Since the drops are very potent and are supposed to pull out all metals I would be inclined to start with the drops by themselves and then add the homeopath pills. It is so hard to be guessing at this all the time eh???




I do believe what you say too about god giving us a gift to be extra perceptive about things going on with our children. No one knows better than a mom, what is going on with her child. I have watched every single tic and am very aware of how he is reacting to certain things and see so many things that my husband is clueless about. You will find the answers...it may just take some time.


Heather, never worry about posting too much. Those of us here who are still in the beginning stages are so thirsty for this type of information!


We really appreciate the input that you handful of parents with success can provide.


I do agree that mothers need to be perceptive detectives to figure out what helps our own children.


I need to call my EM to see if he did any heavy metal tests yet. I know he had a specific order that he wanted to run them in.




Hi Heather,


Your success with naturopath is very encouraged. Thanks for sharing. Besides tics, my son has constipation, allergy and nose congestion. I'll feel more comfortable to have him treated in natural way. I am still at the stage of searching for ND in my areas, but it’s hard for me to decide whom to go with. I have sent my questions via e-mail to those NDs. They all are kind enough to reply me back. Among them, one was trained at the Canadian College of Naturopathic

Medicine, two were from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine (Arizona). However, all of them have been practicing i< 5 years. In your experience, what will be the ideal number of years practicing as an experienced ND (I understand it depends on each individual, but still it can be an reference). I may sound too cautions, but I learned lesson from my previous experience. Any suggestions?Thanks in advance!

Guest Guest_efgh



Thanks again for your kind reply (as usual). Its generally believed that the multivits that we give our kids is preferably iron and copper free. you can do a search on all the archives here wherein we have discussed a lot about this aspect. There is a thread called IRON in this forum and you can look into it.

In fact, I have discontinued my son's multivit now since it contains iron and I am looking for some good iron free multivit. any recommendations on the brand are welcome.




does glycobears contain iron/copper?




You mentioned you started your son on a B complex. do you give a multivit too or only B complex? Is that ok to give only B complex without a multivit? Did you ask a doctor or have you just started the B complex on your own? Did your son have the eye rolling tic too?




My son sometimes rolls his eyes as you mentioned. That he does, only when he is reading a book (especially with a dim light or so).




I only give him B-complex for now, and am thinking to give him others (i.e., multivits, and VitB5) later. I would like to introduce one at a time. In case something happens, I will be able to isolate. These are mainly for his teeth grinding (which is pretty bad at night recently), and hope they'll help his tics as well. He does have eye rollings but mild these days.




Which B complex are you giving your son? Is it a NATURAL one free from colours etc. Which brand and was it prescribed by a doctor?

How is your son's sniffing now?

Guest Heather

Claire: Yes, the heavy metal test would be a good I idea I believe. I am reading more and more about heavy metals being the root of the cause. It seems all of the allergies, yeast, etc. are a result of the metals.


Jean: Yes, it is hard to find a naturopath that you feel you can trust. As far as years experience, it is hard to say. My naturopath is quite young, I would say early 30's so she only has a few years experience but I looooove her style. She is extremely knowledgeable and confident in her assessment. She has treated 2 other cases of Tourettes successfully. One was a yeast problem, one was a metal problem. In both cases, the tics simply went away after a few months of supplements. This is what gave me the encouragement to stay with her. I know she only has a few years experience, however, I feel her recent education has given her an edge on all of the latest research out there. My friend had a bad experience with an older naturopath and i believe it was because he was not up on the latest and greatest. He gave her all these homeopathic treatments with no real goal in mind, just guessing. My naturopath had a definite path to follow...first starting with the yeast and healing the gut, then removing the metals. I neeeded that focus to make me feel comfortable with her. Also, everything she has diagnosed is much the same as what I had already read on the internet. I would just suggest to talk about the approach they might take before scheduling an appointment.


EFGH: Thank you for the information on the iron and copper!!!! I am going to talk with my N.D. about that.

Guest Heather



Also, the constipation and allergies definitely sounds like a yeast problem. After I had my son assessed, I had my daughter assessed too. She had no real definite disorder but has had constipation since 2 years old and mood swings with a lot of defiance. She is 10 years old right now. Anyway, she was also diagnosed with a gut full of yeast which my naturopath said is probably causing a lot of the emotional stuff. The yeast can either cause constipation or the diarrhea like bowel movements. In any case, he probably isn't digesting and absorbing his nutrients. My daughter has been on the Threelac (antifungal) for a month now and her moods have definitely improved and she no longer has the constipation. I am going to treat the yeast first and then use the NDF to remove the metals with her as well. My kids have had a lot of tap water since they were young and we lived in an area with a Steele plant where the water was highly treated so my naturopath said that is probably where their metals come from.

Guest Guest_efgh



How did you get hold of this naturopath? did you get the reference from www.acam.org or any other website like that?


Do let us know what your naturopath says about NO IRON OR COPPER supplement?


Is your son back to school now?

Guest Guest_efgh



Is your son totally out of dairy. do you not give him potatoes too?


What are the ingredients and dosages of his multivitamin/mineral supplement?

Guest Guest_efgh



Does TS run in your family? Generally they say its hereditary..






Thanks for the information on naturopath. It surely helps me.




The B-complex that my son takes is Solaray Chewable B-complex. You may find the detail ingredients from this link: http://www.thegoodearth.net/.sc/ms/dd/1032...x%20Chewable%20

I didn’t buy it from on-line. I bought it from Whole Foods Market. I give him 1/3 of the wafer every day (i.e., 1 wafer for 3 days). It doesn’t contain artificial stuff. My son’s sniff is not as bad as before, but his nose is congested especially in the morning. I may mention this before. I bought cheese made from (whole grain) rice and soy, he loves it.


Also, all NDs that I contacted with don’t take insurance. I'll check with my insurance to find out the policy. If I can find a good one, I think it’s worth to go.

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