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Guest Guest_efgh

Jean, thanks for the link on B complex. Was wondering if its better to give a multi with B complex within that rather than only the B complex. I just came across a good multi which contains B complex as well. http://www.allergyresearchgroup.com/prodde...y/mvm.htm#70200

My naturopath suggested this and I am planning to start this for my son.

Heard some info on this product even in braintalk.

Jean, I have given the details of some good naturopaths for you in the other thread ENVIRONMENTAL ....Hope it helps you.

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I too would like to thank you for posting your story and success, it gives us the encouragement to go on. Your story sounds much like my son. We are treating the yeast first as well, although no yeast test was done, however they did a finger prick blood test which showed digestive problems. We are off to the naturopath today. Can you tell me how long you treated the yeast before doing NDF. Also did your child have eye-rolling tic? This one seems quite bad at the moment. Has anyone tried L-carnitine for this? Threelac is over $100 in Australia do you think it is much better than the Flora Plus (probiotic option). Did you use the Oxy product with the threelac as it seems to be recommended to use at same time. I have been overloading on research on Mercury and other metals and I'm sure thats the root of our problem, however no improvement in last 2 weeks. Also I'm going to get the blue-green algae and try that. thanks everyone

Guest heather



We treated the yeast for about 2 months before starting with the NDF. I know the Threelac is very expensive but I believe it is because it is such a good product. From the research I have done, it is the best for yeast. I think clearing yeast can generally take a lot longer than 2 months but the Threelac seems to get results faster. We didn't stick to a no sugar diet with it either.....just cut back significantly. I didn't use the oxygen elements plus since we were already using Coral Calcium and coralyte from Kingsway which I believe serve the same purpose as the Oxygen Elements Plus. My son didn't have eye rolling but for some reason it seems the tics can be variable depending on the child but all coming from the same root cause. What is it that makes you feel his problem is mercury? - just curious. Thanks for replying. Let me know what your naturopath says. I am interested in hearing any theories that are out there.


Hi Heather,


Well we had a hair analysis done which was sent to America for a lab to do there. And it showed very high Aluminium, lead, copper, nickel and fairly high mercury. I have researched symptoms and as some autistic children have mercury problems and also some have tics and maybe all these problems are on the same spectrum I'm guessing that's the root of the tics. Also I think mercury is worse or does not excrete fromt he body properly if there is a yeast problem. Will let you know how our visit goes tomorrow as we are a day behind you. Thanks Again for replying.




I highly recommend a book written by Dr. Jaqueline McCandless entitled "Children with Starving Brains". She goes into the whole mercury/immunization issue as well as allergies, yeast etc. and the protocol that she uses including specific tests.

I know that as far as tic disorders go she strongly recommends viral panels and amino acid testing.


I read her book almost a year ago and I owe a lot to Dr. McCandless. It made me realize just what we were dealing with. One of her protocols in the book is chelation, but according to new info. on her website she is getting away from that as it it quite hard on a childs system and is finding other means to get the heavy metals out.




Thanks for that Jennifer,


I will go to the library today and see if I can get that. I'm sure my family think I'm obsessed, actually I am!! But I see the success that a lot of the people are having here and know I'm on the right track. How is your son going? Does amino acid testing require a blood test? Thanks

Guest Guest_Heather



I just found this forum recently and hadn't read back over old posts until tonight. I am amazed with your story and the knowledge you have acquired. It is wonderful that you share all of this with us. I was trying to follow the posts but got a little lost in the sequence. Can you give me a brief recap of when you started the detox and when the tics stopped? How long did you use PCA-RX. It seems similar to the NDF that I am using with chlorella and cilantro. We have only been using it 1 12/ weeks but already see results. As you probably read, we worked on the yeast first. One thing that caught my eye in reading your posts was the the sleep issues. My son has always had trouble falling asleep but it seems to have worsened lately. He usually lays for over an hour before falling asleep at night. However, his tics are at a minimum right now and getting better each day, so we are thankful for that. Also, how do you find a DAN doctor?


Hi All,


I just want to thank you for providing me the doctor list. After e-mail screen, I made a phone call to one of the Naturopathic Physicians this morning . We spent about 30 min over the phone. It was good phone conversation and she was patient and willing to discuss with me. Based on what I told her about my son’s symptoms, she suspects that he may have heavy metals, but she will give him tests first though.. I also mentioned what I have been tried. It’s interesting to hear that she doesn’t recommend for Flax seed oil (especially for allergic person). She said couple reasons but I didn’t catch them all. I’ll visit her this Wednesday, and I’ll keep you updated.


BTW, she mentioned NAET Allergy Elimination. Has anyone had experience with it? You feedback is appreciated.




Very interesting re Flaxseed oil! My doctor mentioned fish oil not flaxseed oil, but I will ask him his thoughts there. He is not in until Tuesday, I do need to ask whether he ran a heavy metals test or not. I don't think he did--it wasn't on the blood tests, and I didn't see it on the forms for the other tests.






We used some homeopathic drops and then switched to the PCA-RX product. We detoxed for about a year. I haven't used anything for the past 3 months, but will go back to using the PCA daily, but just not as much. It targets all kinds of toxins whcih we are all exposed to daily.


The Autism Research Institute web-site is www.autism.com/ari/. There are various topics to the left you can click on. I can't remember with precision which one it is, but one of them has the list organized by state and country.




Guest jamie mcwilliams

hello Marretts,


supplementing the diet with either Citric Acid or Cysteine will flush and eliminate all mercury from your sons system.




Guest Guest_Heather



Thank you for your response. Hope you don't mind but I have a few more questions. You seem to have taken the same path I am taking so I am curious about your experience. From what I gather, you treated the yeast first and then used the PCA-RX for the metals. Is this correct?


Once you started the PCA-RX did you continue with the other supplements or did you use it on its own. How many drops did you use of the PCA-RX? I am asking because my naturopath has told me to start using the NDF on its own to get rid of the metals and I am concerned that the yeast is going to come back. His tics are minimal right now.


Also, did you use PCA-RX for an entire year or was that your total detox time including your yeast treatment? Thanks again for the information. I appreciate your sharing.






We waited until his bowel were regular before using the PCA as most of it is excreted fecally. The PCA is measured in sprays rather than drops we did about 4 sprays a day. I continued to give him his supplements during this time. I used the PCA for about a year and am using it again only 1-2 sprays a day for preventive measures.






I found out that my son's DAN/EM doctor didn't run the heavy metal test--bummer, because I asked him about this in the first meeting. I know he wanted to run a ton of tests and said we needed to do it in phases.


In any case, do either of you know the name of the lab(s) that do this? Is it ONLY a hair analysis? I want to ask him please please to run this test tomorrow (Tuesday) midday when we go over the test results. I would think that he would have this information, but maybe not, or maybe their are nuances re the testing that I should ask him about?


Thanks in advance...I know you may not check in by then!




Finally, my son had his first visit to the naturopath last week. After about 2 hrs evaluation, she thought my son might have heavy metal and/or yeast problem. She wanted to run two tests first. One is called Elemental Hair Analysis that includes analysis of Aluminum, Copper, Lead, Nickel and Heavy Metals, etc., and another one is called CDSA which is a stool test. It analysis about the condition of the gastrointestinal tract including Long/short chain Fatty Acids, Yeast Culture, Bacteriology etc. The results will give the important clues about person body’s digestive functions (as my son has constipation since he was a baby). Both tests will be done by the Great Smokies Diagnostic Laboratory. Meanwhile, she prescribed a remedy (for 3 days), concentrated pure fish oil daily and Juice plus Fruit and Vegetable gummy (3 of each in the morning and evening). She said that the gummy is very helpful for the allergy. She feels confident (and positive) about my son’s case. She said that if the right remedy is used, the outcome will be amazing. She’ll see my son in couple weeks (after the test results come out). If there is overgrowth of yeast, she'll use Threelac, but I forgot what her plan for the heavy metal case as it's too much information within 2 hrs.


For allergy, She strongly recommends my son to have NAET treatment (her partner is doing it). I will wait for his test results first, and would like to take one at a time. BTW, here is the link that I found out from the internet about the NAET.

It gives pretty interesting information about NAET including the video


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