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Guest Guest_efgh



Thanks for your reply. Did he have tics in school or was he suppressing them? From when have you been home schooling your son? Or , are you going to for the first time start homeschooling ? What is the procedure for the same?? How will you know the curriculum, etc? With siblings around, isn't it difficult to concentrate on the kids?

you mentioned

Just a gut feeling that I have that through hard lessons I've learned not to ignore.

what do you mean by this?


all your experiences and success is amazing. it really makes us feel that we are not alone! thanks a lot for your guidance, tips and suggestions.

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Our son attended school during first grade, the latter part of first grade was when he started developing tics that could not be ignored (that's when we went to the neurologist). I homeschooled him during second grade. His tics were so bad then, that I kept him pretty sheltered. He had a couple of friends he played with whom I don't think noticed anything out of the ordinary. When you've got a couple of boys playing they can get pretty rambunctious and alot of what he did was probably perceived as "playing" or being "silly". It is a little bit easier to diguise that way rather than in a classroom setting, especailly at that age. Our son didn't seem to be able to supress his tics out in public.


This year because he is doing so much better I have him signed up for martial arts, he takes piano and we have a wonderful homeschool program in our area that offers really neat classes- so he's exposed to a lot of kids. I'm keeping him busy. When he went back to school this year the class was covering things he allready learned last year with me. So this year I'm much more relaxed about his academics. Not that I'm slacking or anything, but I realized we have a lot more time to focus on his interests. I pretty much went with the same curriculum his school was using. And best of all I'm in complete control of what goes into his little body. I just feel like I need to do this for a while.


When I said that I've learned through hard lessons not to ignore my gut feeling I can think back to when he was as little as 4 and some behaviors bothered me. In my heart of hearts I didn't feel at ease, but everyone around me including his pediatrician kept tellilng me that they were just phases. When I took him to his doctor for eye blinking I was told that it was allergies, but I didn't feel good about that answer. Had I have known what I know now and brought to a natural physicin then all of this may have been a distant memory. I am fully convinced that his last set of immunizations (2 months before the onset of major tics) was the straw that broke the camels back. He had a reaction that required hospitalization. I didn't feel good about giving him his boosters, infact, he was behind-but I felt pressured by the school nurse. I guess it's just that feeling you get in the pit of your stomach that you need to listen to. I think God gave us moms a special gift that we ignore far to often.




  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Heather Cumming

My son is 7 and developed tics about 7 months. They got so bad in the fall I went to a naturopath. He was snorting every 3 seconds during his waking hours for 2 weeks. She diagnosed Leaky Gut Syndrome (an overgrowth of yeast) so he was not digesting his required nutrients. When your body is out of balance because of this, you develop certain sensitivities to foods and the environment. We have put his body back in balance with an antifungal supplement, as well as fatty acids and his tics almost disappeared. They were so severe during November and December that I home schooled him. At the least visit in January his hair analysis showed high levels of Aluminum which can displace magnesium in the brain. He is now taking NDF, a natural supplement to get rid of the metals. His tics are definitely at a minimum now and improve each day. This can take a few months but we have seen a significant improvement in 1 1/2 weeks. His condition all came about because of poor eating habits, and a stressful move to a new town, causing the overgrowth of intestinal yeast. Do a search on Leaky Gut Syndrome and you will learn about this condition now being acknowledged by many medical doctors. The presence of heavy metals in the body can worsen the condition. During treatment there may be a die off reaction where the tics worsen before showing improvement. My son definitely experienced this die off reaction. I know tics may come and go so time will tell whether this treatment is effective, however I believe in it 100% and watched my son detox while his body was healing.


Thanks Heather,


Your response fits experience that you give me hope, my sons condition started after several bouts of fever, and vomiting and general unwellness, we too went to a Naturopath and hair anaylsis found high aluminium, nickel and lead and fairly high Mercury, so we are on gut flora for yeast problems, I have not eliminated bread all together, he said just not too much. My son is also taking fatty acid supps. I have found an improvement but still noticeable I just hope we will get to your stage, what is NDF?? I am also supplementing with Multil-B, Vit C for metals and magnesium powder which has been 2 weeks. He still rolls his eyes a lot. Very stressfull!! Thanks again for taking the time to respond.


Hi Heather,


My son just took a test, which from what I can tell tests peptides for wheat and something for casein, and something for yeast. This is the same lab that tests for leaky gut, and I think this is one of the doctor ran those tests.


We just sent in the test to the lab on Monday. I guess as bad as it sounds (leaky gut), it would be good to identify it so that we could move forward--I am just convinced that my son is not getting nutrients. On the other hand, moving him toward more balanced eating (fewer carbs, more protein, will be an incredible challenge)


Thanks for writing, it is really great to hear about someone with success! I think that Chemar found that yeast control made a difference for her son.


Jennifer mentioned a hair test too, I will need to ask my EM doctor about them. I don't know how parents do this without a knowledgeable EM/naturapath/homeopath... to guide them--it would be like shooting in the dark. As it is, I am impatient for all the results to come back, and I know we have more tests to go.



Guest Heather

Hi Again,


I used Threelac for the yeast. It is a natural supplement with Lactic Acid that I found to be the best on the market for yeast. My naturopath prescribed a capsule to kill the yeast but he wouldn't take it so I found the Threelac on my own and she gave me the ok to try it. You can even use it with babies. You can find it by doing a search on yahoo (just type in Threelac). During the detox for this I gave him epsom salt baths which induces sweating to eliminate toxins through the skin. After his bath he would get rashes on his face and buttocks, a sign of elminiation through the skin. I think he was loaded with yeast. I hate to admit it but he rarely ate fruits and vegetables. From what I have read, this is what caused him to retain the metals in his body. Vitamins and minerals help to rid the body of these toxins.


The naturopath also prescribed digestive enzymes called Papaya from Swiss Naturals to help him digest his food and absorb his nutrients. She did not give him a vitamin supplement until the 2nd visit when we had reduced the yeast since she said he wasn't absorbing his vitamins at that time. One thing that I have noticed is that his bowel movements have changed to be well formed whereas before they were very loose and in pieces. She said his present bowel movements are a sign of his gut healing since diarrhea OR constipation can be sign of decreased digestion.


Anyway, when the hair analysis came back she prescribed the NDF which is one of the most effective natural supplements to get rid of the metals. It is made by Bioray and you can research it by doing a yahoo search (just type in Bioray). It contains cilantro and chorella which bind the metals and carry them out of the body. He needs to drink lots of water to aid in the process. If you try it without a naturapath be sure to read all directions on the use of it. There were things I read to help me regarding NDF that my naturopath didn't tell me. NDF is used to get rid of all metals. My son is particiularly high in Aluminum so she prescribed a dose of malic acid daily as well which is specifically effective to bind to aluminum and carry it out of the body. I have researched this by doing searches on the Internet and there is much information to back this up. He is doing very well as of going to bed tonight. Today was his best day in 6 months. I will keep you posted.


He also drinks coral calcium water on a regular basis from Kingsway, very high in ionic minerals.


It is so hard to get my son to eat protein or fruits and vegetables! Except he will have a strawberry smoothie (frozen strawberries in the blender and milk, and sweetener), bananas and carrot juice and brocolli juice. If he drinks the vegie juices he gets a little vanilla icecream (real vanilla these days, after reading about vanillin).


He used to eat protein (fish, poultry, and turkey hot dogs) but he liked them all with a little breading, and rice breading (he isn't eating wheat) just isn't the same.


Marriet and Heather, how do you get your child to eat healthy now, and this adjusted diet?


My son won't swallow pills so I empty any capsules into a small amount of water which he sucks up with a straw, followed by a teaspoon of icecream (just a spoonful of sugar...). We tried chlorella a couple of times, but it was just too strong for him.


I would prefer to do this through my EM doctor--of course we must wait for the test results. But I will save your specific instructions to discuss with him.



Guest Guest_efgh

Hi Cumming


Great to hear your success story. It really is a good source of encouragement for most of us.


1) What Anti fungal supplement did you give your son?

2) What is your doctor's specialisation?

3) You said his tics were so bad in Nov/Dec. Was it 2003 or 2002 ? Since when it started improving?

4) How long it took for your supplements to work.

5)What are the supplements in all that you are giving now?

6) What is the test done for detecting leaky gut syndrome? How did your naturopath arrive at this?


Sorry for the questions and would appreciate your replies for these.


Claire and Marretts, Chemar mentioned that the yeast in bread is a good yeast (brewers yeast) and that is not the yeast which we are talking about when it comes to Candidas. That post is one of the archives in one of the threads.


I am so happy for you and your son and wish you goodluck!

Guest Guest_efgh

Hi Heather


A couple of clarifications.


1) What are the general symptoms of leaky gut syndrome?

2) What fatty acids are you giving your son and what dosage/brand?



Guest Guest_efgh



you can read one of the threads here titled "YEAST" for detailed discussion on this.

Just pasting one of the posts by Chemar.


Brewers Yeast is what is used in baking bread and is also an excellent supplement, rich in Vit Bs...IT IS A GOOD YEAST!


It is NOT the same as the parasitic yeast, Candida albicans, which can inhabit the digestive tract and other parts of our bodies.

Candida is the bad yeast that needs to be eliminated


It is incorrect to call it a "yeast free diet" ...it is a yeast eliminating diet...ie it is a diet aimed at killing of the Candida yeast......the diet is based on eliminating foods that the yeast feed on ie alcohol, sugars and excessive starches. There are also other foods that Candida thrives on and these are detailed in the book I mentioned on Braintalk......"the Yeast Syndrome" by John P Trowbridge


Caprylic Acid (Capryl by Solaray) is an excellent supplement to take to help eliminate yeast.



Guest Heather



I only have a few minutes this morning but will quickly try and answer some of the questions you have asked.


Re: naturopath's qualifications

She has a Bachelor of Science and a N.D. which is a naturopathic doctor degree from a Naturopathic school in Toronto. There are only 2 schools of this type in Canada presently and the enrollment is growing in leaps and bounds. To test for yeast she uses electrodermal screening. I have researched this method of testing and although it isn't 100% accurate it can definitely be used as a guideline for testing. The more skilled the person using it, the more effective it can be. It is more accurate in testing food allergies than environmental allergies. My friend had her son tested for allergies at the medical doctor and then went to this naturopath and they told her the exact same things he was allergic to. My son showed an allergy to milk (common) and potatoes and corn. She said this won't be a life long allergy and he will be able to tolerate these foods once his body is back in balance. At the last test, his gut showed free of yeast. I watched the test being done and saw this improvement myself. The antifungal we used was the Threelac that I mentioned in my other message. Leaky Gut syndrome can have many general symptoms depending on your genetic make up. We are all affected differently by yeast. It is hard to name the numerous symptoms as it affects us all in so many ways but if you do a search on yahoo typing in leaky gut syndrome you will find possible symptoms. You body loses the ability to digest nutrients and the gut become permeable allowing undigested food particles to enter the bloodstream and may affect whatever organ you might be susceptible to. Other ailments are arthritis, psoriasis, and many neurological disorders. The body starts attacking its own tissues.


When I mentioned Nov/Dec. I meant 2003. It has taken about 3 months so far. I know it can take much longer in some people and it is not over for us yet, although there has been 80% improvment at this point. Children usually respond quicker. I also think the quick response was because the Threelac is one of the best antifungals you can buy.


As far as diet goes, it is still very very hard to get him to eat well. He now eats bananas, apples and blueberries. He ate no fruit before. He eats organic meat and no packaged foods (no preservatives). I was a working mom (high school teacher) and used many convenience foods. I cook much more from scratch now since I am off work with him. It is a lot of work and the diet change has definitely been the hardest. He still eats wheat since the electrodermal screening showed this not to be an allergen for him. However, since the testing may not be entirely accurate, I am considering cutting down on the wheat.


I have read that the leaky gut will keep returning if you have a heavy metal problem and don't get rid of the metals. It would be worthwhile doing a hair anlaysis. My naturopath recommended doing it in stages. We first healed the gut and now are working on the metals.


The supplements that he took to heal the gut were Threelac (to kill yeast), Swiss Natural Papaya Enzymes (one after everything he ate to help him digest his food), lots of Coral Calcium water to flush out the toxins, DHA Junior Omega 3 fatty acids (2 per day, these were prescribed by the naturopath) Genestra multivitamin with minerals (again, 2 per day prescribed by the Naturopath). You should be able to do a search on the internet for all of these products but I will give you more details if you want. Just ask. He also took a spoonful every now and then of milk thistle, a liquid, to support the liver while detoxing.


Gotta go for now but if I left anything out, I will respond later. Thanks for the replies. I am reading your posts and learning too. It is great to share information. It is so hard to see our children like this and any help we can share is great.




Is leaky gut one specific conditions from too much yeast--ie is it different from just candidas? (I will do a search for more details)


Thanks so much for the heavy metals correlation, I didn't know they were related. Also, for the timeframe--to know that it is months will give me patients.


I am going to call my EM tomorrow, I can't stand the suspense. I think he is waiting for ALL the results to come in. He hasn't even done more allergy testing yet until these come in, and I worry that all this work avoiding wheat and we don't see improvement because more is going on there too.


Take your time on responding, I understand how tough it is sometimes.



Guest Guest_efgh



thanks for your detailed reply. glad to see the improvement.


1) What were your son's motor and vocal tics? Did it affect him in his school too? Is there TS in your family ? did the tics suddenly start?

2) What is electrodermal testing? Is it painful for the kids?

3) so, is your son's diet free from milk, potatoes, corn now? how do you compensate his calcium?

4) the genestra multivit that you give - is it iron and copper free?

5) did the naturopath give an ok for apples and oranges? Since feingold generally treats them as natural salicylates ...

6) Does your son has any ocd/adhd symptoms too?

7) What are his tics now?


thanks and sorry for so many questions. I am trying to learn in the process and I am so impressed with the way things work with hard work and a natural approach.


goodluck to your family

Guest Guest_efgh



Have you started your son on chlorella and vit b complex for teeth grinding? did it help?


My son on and off has this problem of teeth grinding during sleep and hence my question






I have just started VitB-complex (chewable) 2 days ago for his teeth grinding and haven't seen any changes now (too short to say). By reading all these success with naturopath, I'm very interested in the treatment. But it's hard to get an reference..I'm still looking. Hope your son is getting better.

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