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Just wondering if those who had experienced symptoms only after being vaccinated have reported it and made a claim for the vaccine injury compensation?


Also your thoughts on it.

Our current pediatrician who believes that my daughter may have had a genetic predisposition for tics was harmed by the 9 shots she received and that they indeed caused her issues. Since our insurance has now cancelled my daughter, her pedaitirician asked if I ever reported her reactions or made a claim.

She said you only have 3 years to make the claim and suggested I do it now????


Any thoughts??? Any experiences???




I'm just wondering, can you tell me why your insurance cancelled your daughter?


I'm from Canada so I don't know how the health insurance in the US works.

Why would they cancel your daughter? Because she has a disorder?

I am really appalled....






I'm wondering the same thing lynsey asked about. Also, wondering if your Dr. filed a report with VAERS for you? You can do it yourself, but it would be nice if she did at least that much? Maybe this isn't the same Dr. who administered the vaccines? If not, I would certainly think about contacting the office that did and telling them that you would appreciate it if they filed a report. You might tell them that if they refuse, you will just make a note of it for your attorney.


If you can't find the info that you need on this site, let me know.







You might be interested in reading this article too




The insurance company started an investigation on her after charges from her bloodwork showed up and some neurology charges.

I tried to fight it but they rescinded her. Their reason was that she has/had a pre-exsisiting condition. Their was a question on the intial form that had asked if she had any abnormal testing in the past five years. I stated no on the application but then we later found out that her eeg showed mild abnormacy. They eventually collected all her records...(we had been paying out of pocket for EVERYTHING anyhow because of the hugh deductible) and made the decision to cancel her. I am not reall sure why. The only thing they ever paid for was a yearly health exam and that was always stated as normal for my daughter. We were sent a refund of all prior monthly payments made to them on her behalf and all the bills they have had on hold (since January) are now all coming to us. We get one everyday!

I still make payments on the EEG's and the MRI and such but we are now overwhelmed and there is just no way to catch up.

I am in the process of trying to get her on a program called CMS (Child Medial Services). This would be great but unfortunatley you have to go to just a small group of doctors. This means just the tradional ones who would just want to medicate. Further more its not going to help with the debt we are in now over the whole ordeal. The really sad part of this is that you would think that we would be having troubles due to the poor economy but in reality right now it will be because of medical bills. We had a private health Insurance policy. It was about $500 a month. My husbands employer offers it but they do not pay anything towards it so the cost for a family plan would have been $1300 a month. So for now all her doctor, dentist, etc...will be all out of pocket. A few weeks ago I had to take her in for a sore throat (seems I run to the doctor now for a sore throat) and the cost of the visit was $99.00 and the culture was $160.00. This was urine and throat. She has a dentist appointment on Tuesday as well so I am scrared about that. She is due for a cleaning and she just lost her first tooth not to long ago and the one coming in is loose (in other words I need to have it checked now).

This whole thing can really take a toll on your financial position. Like anyone...I want the best doctors for my daughter and the ones that believe in natural healing and try to find the cause of the problem and not just want to bandaid it.....this sadly apparently is the problem.

I think I am going to try the vaccine injury thing. The worst they can say is NO. All I know is that my daughter at 4 years old was never the same after those shots that day.


The doctor who is suggesting I do this is her nre pediatrician, not the one who administered the shots. I did call them about all the reactions she had a week or so later and when I took her in they just said come back in 6 months...I do not believe they reported anything...I never went back there. I really love t=our new Ped....just not sure now how long I can afford it.

I am so very angry right now.....

This whole thing can really take a toll on your financial position. Like anyone...I want the best doctors for my daughter and the ones that believe in natural healing and try to find the cause of the problem and not just want to bandaid it.....this sadly apparently is the problem.


The ped practice that my boys grew up in had two allopathic pediatricians. This was pointed out to me by one of the Peds. As he was denying me a referral for my oldest son who was in pain due to head shaking (which my insurance DID cover with a primary physician referral) he told me that he was an allopathic Dr. and didn't believe in referring to a chiropractor. He didn't have a problem with another allopathic physician which he referred, who prescribed Orap for an 8 year old child though. Go figure.


from wiki

Allopathic medicine or allopathy may also refer to:


The opposite of homeopathy, see homeopathy and allopathy.

The opposite of complementary and alternative medicine.

The opposite of traditional medicine, especially of Ayurveda.[7][8][9]



Myrose, your situation makes me furious. I'm so sorry for what you're going through. Please let us know how this progresses altho if you decide to persue, I'm sure you will be unable to share much.

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