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Good Vaccine Info Site


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I've been looking for information on how to exempt my baby next year from the vaccines required at day-care centers, and a friend gave me this really good vaccine info site: http://thinktwice.com/ I thought some of you may be interested in the site.


I called our state health and human services immunization department to ask them about vaccine exemption and day-cares. I was very disapointed on the biased information I received from them. I'm educated and know better, but many moms are not educated on the vaccine subject and I wish they could receive true information from the state. They told me that day-cares don't have to accept vaccine exemption. It just depends on what the day-care has in their policy. They also told me that once my child is in school that they will have to have all of their shots. As far as what I've researched all public day-cares and schools are required to accept vaccine exemptions. From what I've read this includes all day-cares that receive state funding which would basically be the food program, child-care subsidy, etc. Please correct me if I'm wrong on this as this is all the info I've had luck on finding so far.



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Every state has exemptions, but some states don't have a philosophical exemption, just medical and religious. Everyone, including daycare, preschool, and public/private schools, have to accept your exemption. I live in Virginia and we only have medical and religious, so I have always done a religious exemption. It has been really easy and no one has ever questioned me. Make sure you read what is required b/c to my knowledge, no one is allowed to question what religion you are. They just have to accept the exemption. This link talks about the presidential candidate's positions on vaccination. Very interesting.



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