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My son has these mouth sores again and gets them often also. They hurt. I was thinking are they Herpes mouth sores(hand foot and mouth)virus is going around. Do you think it is realted to the immune issues and the heavy metals? How do you treat them? Dr. told me to rinse their mouth with orajel, mylanta, and benedryl. Make like a paste and dab it on.


We're actively chelating while we continue IVIG. IVIG will help the immune system but if kids have viruses hiding in their system, which is possible, then IVIG may not help. Viruses hold on to metals too. I know a father who recovered his son from autism with Valtrex. Valtrex took care of the kid's underlying viral issue and then he finally started dumping metals on his own, without chelation.



As for us, we chelate.


Cilantro as a chelator doesn't thrill me. It does have a high affinity for metals but one has to wonder how many other metals it pulled in from the soil and you are now putting into the body.



You also have to make sure you have a good protocol in place to reduce the frequency of redistribution of the metals



I just googled valtrex and apparently it is an antiviral used for herpes. The only concern I might have is that the ad warns that it is for adults with healthy immune systems. I'd have to look into that further. One thing that is interesting to me, though, is that when Gaby first became ill last November, it started out as a week-long fever, headaches, sore throat, stomach pains (negative for strep at that time) but she broke out into horrible herpes simplex lesions all over her mouth, lips, tongue, even a few down her chin - had never even had one cold sore before that. Then she started having one cold sore almost every month or every two or three months after that. Her most recent one was about 2 months ago, I believe.


Kids on the spectrum, many times have latent viral issues. Many do very well on Valtrex. It is a drug for herpes. Many kids on the spectrum had their immune system screwed up by vaccines and heavy metals. Viruses tend to hold metals. Clear the viruses and the metals will excrete more easily.


There is a yahoo group called mb12valtrex that covers all of this. If you are doing antivirals you must do antifungals as well. Viral die off causes yeast to flourish


Also check out www.recoveryvideos.com Click on Autism Recoveries then Ethan. Watch the video called Ethan's Recovery.

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