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ts and lost muscle tone?

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Guest corlette



Has anyone experienced lost muscle tone with tourette's. One of my son's first doctors made a remark once that I didn't question and have since worried about. I know this happens with pandas - but I haven't been able to find much info on it. Also, how do I start with non medical treatment. We have just started the Bonnie G vitamins, and trying to eliminate food colors, but I feel like this is a haphazard approach. I've never suspected dietary triggers. Do allergy tests and hair analyses spell out what one must avoid and supplement with or is it trial and error?thanks for any help you can provide.


Hi Corlette and welcome!


You have done a good thing by starting out on Bonnie's supps....that certainly isnt haphazard as the evidence for positive results with specific supplements is pretty overwhelming! .


As to muscle tone...my son did have poor tone at one stage but it was linked more to his SID (sensory integration dysfunction) than TS per se......he had occupational therapy and showed tremendous improvement.


Allergy testing and other specific analysis is very helpful as individuals do vary enormously in the foods that they react to, as well as to the balances of minerals etc in their systems.


Hair analysis is particularly useful in identifying any toxins like mercury etc and again there are good natural ways to deal with these.


Many people have also benefitted by having blood tests done to check for parasites(eg candida=yeast) andalso to determine blood levels of various essential nutrients so as to better formulate the supplement treatment.


This really is a continuous learning curve, but you will find that knowledge truly is power, and once you start specific applications, the results are so very rewarding!


All the best :)

Guest corlette



Thanks for all the great advice. I've been scanning all the discussions on this forum and noticed that you are helpful to many people. How did you get so knowledgable? I've been researching alternate treatments for ts, ocd and add for a couple of weeks and it seems like the more I learn, the less I know. There is just so much good information out there.


I'm planning to take your advice and have a hair analysis and allergy test for my son (age 8). I'm researching the Feingold diet and elimination diet also, but will probably see what the tests reveal before making drastic dietary changes. Luke's tics seem to be triggered by heat, touch, light, sound and other sensory stimulation as well as stress. I'm terrified that he will be one of the ones that diet and other non-med approaches can't help.


Thanks again for the quick and helpful reply. I wish I could find a physician with half of your knowledge - one who wouldn't act like I was crazy for wanting to try these alternatives.



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