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Hi, I think my son may have Tourette's it runs in the family thru his grandfather and uncle. I am trying to find out where I can find information about diet and what types of food to stay away from. If anyone knows any good sites or books your help would be appreciated. I have found that Dr's are not all familer with this condition.


Thanks so much



Hi Laura,


If you will look through the archive threads of this site, you will find a lot of information on diet--both from foods that may be triggers, and vitamin supplements and fatty acid supplements.


Their is a particular diet that some here have tried with good success--the Feingold diet www.feingold.org It eliminates artificial colors/flavors, preservatives, and salicytes.. However, that really is only a portion of what people here have found helpful. Some have issues with corn syrup, etc...


Many here have found a lot of success--some of their children have barely any tics now--another good consolidated source of information is to order the Latitudes archive newsletters. They don't necessarily have a detailed plan, but they interview doctors with experience in non-pharmaceutical methods to deal with tics and tourettes (and other neurological issues--e.g. ocd, autism) and from there you can determine which path to investigate more.


I can't underestimate the wealth of knowledge just reading through each thread on this page.


Good luck to you and your child.




Hi laura and welcome :)


Excellent advice that you have from Claire!


As a general rule on diet......the more natural the better.......a good start is to eliminate all artificial stuff.....colorings, sweeteners, additives&preservatives etc etc

and make sure you give a good multivitamin(again, without colors etc)


Try to avoid anything with MSG and high fructose corn syrup, as well as propylene glycol.


Some people benefit from eliminating certain food groups or substances....but this is usually related to food allergies....eg some are lactose intolernat and so seem to tic less when dairy is eliminated....others dont tolerate gluten well and so do better when the diet is wheat-free.......etc etc


Basically, one really learns about food tolerance as you start keeping a record of what foodstuffs seem to trigger more tics.


The specific supplements that are helpful for tics are documented in many of the threads here.....with magnesium(balanced by calcium and zinc) and B vitamins topping the list, followed closely by Essential Fatty acids, Lecithin and others


Many of us have found these dietary changes to have had remarkable results in TS symptoms being less intense.



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