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Tics and mouthguards, sports, etc


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So, ds has started back with flag football. I noticed last night after practice that his jaw/neck tic was back while wearing his mouthguard. Can I tell you how frustrating this is?! I hate seeing these tics come back and I hate to think that they will be back for the rest of the season. What supplements will help? I never really saw any relief from magnesium and I have him on 25 mg of B6. Of course, the tic sticks after a while and now I'm seeing it creep back in even when the mouthguard isn't in. The coach won't let him play without one, either.

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You may want to try magnesium creme on the neck. It greatly reduces my son's neck tic. Magnesium like kids calm does not seem to help with my son's tics.



Do you think I could apply it to his face? It seems to be generated in his jaw more than his neck.

Just when I thought we were doing better! It just seems like one step forward then a few more backwards!

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Hi Bonnie,


I think you may be right about the mouth gaurd. Having that in his mouth must be giving him the urge to chew/bite it. I could see that starting a new tic.


I think Cheri has said B5 helps with mouth/teeth tics. I have not started that yet, so I not sure how much to take. She also said royal jelly has a good amount of B5 your little one may like that sweet treat better, plus he will get other B's in the royal jelly.


I hope he has a great season.


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I'll have to try the B12 b/c the B6 isn't helping. It's weird b/c now the tic is increasing while he eats a lollipop but not while he eats a meal. Before when he got this tic it would be worse when he was eating a meal. He says it actually hurts his throat muscles b/c of how he tightens up the throat to pull the jaw back. Anybody think the mag cream would help with that?


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Bonnie, I don't know why, but the mag cream does not help my son at all. I can only make a guess, but I think the head jerk that looks so bad at the neck is his way of ticcing without using vocals at the time he is doing the head jerk. That is the only reason I can come up with why it does not work for him.



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