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fish oil

Guest Guest_efgh

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Guest Guest_efgh



Along with the body bio (flax) oil do you also give fish oil to your son. Most of the websites talk about more success with fish oil compared to flax oil for nervous problems.


and they also mention about some contradictory study about flax oil and cancer though there is more evidence that it helps a lot in general.



Is it ok to give flax oil in the morning and fish oil in the evening so that we distribute both? I see that my son pretty well responds to flax oil but since I have never tried fish oil till now, wanted your inputs on that.


My son too makes the hmm sound non stop when he watches TV or when he reads a book. It is definitely making me anxious though I dont reveal my emotions to him. I was amazed that though TS is so individual specific, there is some common thread. Now that your son is relatively tic free , is he quite while watching TV or when you read a book for him?? This assurance from you may give me some HOPE.

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