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Toe walking and apraxia are loosely related to gluten intolerance. Did you say your son tested gluten intolerant a while back? I have a friend going through some similar stuff right now. Our middle guy was tested and has two gluten intolerant genes, but not the celiac one my oldest has. This trait runs in families.


What exactly is the testing? I took my son to an allergist/GI Dr. who tested him and he was neg to everything! The DAN! DR. recommended it as a first line of treatment to remove wheat and gluten and cassin. So I guess we did not do the right test? Maybe it does run in our family.


  Caryn said:
Toe walking and apraxia are loosely related to gluten intolerance. Did you say your son tested gluten intolerant a while back? I have a friend going through some similar stuff right now. Our middle guy was tested and has two gluten intolerant genes, but not the celiac one my oldest has. This trait runs in families.


Have you seen a regression since starting table food? In our case our son was an early crawler but was a very late walker (almost 15 mos). Enterolabs does a genetic test that costs $150 and looks for gluten intolerant genes and not specifically celiac, which makes sense to me, as there are only 2 of the 9 gluten intolerant genes associated with celiac. Not testing positive for celiac does not rule out issues with gluten, it just rules out celiac.

Our middle guy will never get celiac but we still keep him gluten free like Tigger because he is prone to infections otherwise. Every time we give in and let him go off the plantation he ends up with some kind of respiratory issue and subsequent ear infection.


BTW-- if you have a non celiac gluten intolerant child enzymes may be a good option--

  • 1 month later...

I just posted on another thread about questions I had regarding a similar topic.


My son developed tics after his last vaccine. He was fully vaccinated. I knew the ADHD was there at a young age. Now we suspect a specific learning disability in reading....since age 3 he has had trouble learning letters/sounds.


I think that he was possibly deprived oxygen during delivery. My blood pressure went really low and his heart rate was cut in half. I found links to this happening and the child later having learning disabalities. I also started reading about the effects of epidurals on learning disabilities. I have not yet researched to see if there is link to tics and labor/delivery issues. LD/ADHD/and tics are very related according to my nuerologist....so they must be created by issues in a similar portion of the brain......was it some damage to this part of the brain that caused these symtoms to come out???


Did anyone else have delivery issues like this/emergency C section/etc?????



I did much the same as you after the initial onset of tics. I was looking for the catalyst and trying to pinpoint it on something prenatal etc....

My ds was not fully vaxed and never got the MMR. I had preeclampsia in the last 2 mos of pregnancy but delivered naturally. I had no epidural or pain killing medication. (Nuts, I know.)

I only got magnesium and pitocin. Labor was nine hours and there were no complications at birth. My blood pressure dropped pretty fast after delivery and I passed out. They had to stop the mag quickly.

He was jaundiced and colicky for about 2 weeks.

I blamed myself a lot in the beginning and really felt that I must have done something wrong to 'cause' this. I don't feel that way anymore. After reading and posting for as long as I have on this board and others, I have really come to understand that each situation is so vastly different-- causes, catalysts, everything.

I tried my best to do everything right while pregnant and in delivery with Tigger, but things unfolded in a way that I had little control over. I am a proponent of natural childbirth and have given birth three times without an epidural or narcotics of any kind. I also nursed exclusively for six months with each child, and didn't wean until they were a year old (except the last one). I was careful not to fully vax on the recommended schedule because I had worked with children with autism and I knew the statistics. I did all of this, and my oldest son still developed tics....

So I say this to you to help you release some of that 'mommy guilt'. My SIL is expecting her first and was just informed that she needs to undergo a scheduled C because the baby is breech and hasn't yet turned. She already is full of guilt about lung development, etc.... and is worried about harming the baby from an epidural. I tried to calm her fears. I told her that how her baby comes into this world doesn't matter as long as she arrives safely and in good health. Bad things can happen either route but what we ultimately have to do is put our trust in God that things will go as planned, and that's it.

I used to lose sleep worrying about how my little boy was going to cope in school and life with those awful tics. I had been a special ed teacher and had students with tics. I was so devastated at the time.

Now I look at my boy and I see a really great kid who has a lot of empathy for others-- a gift that his tic disorder has given him. He is popular with the girls in kindy and has two that are always asking him if they can come over and play at our house. One wants to marry him when she grows up. This is not how I envisioned things when we first saw symptoms or when we first got the diagnosis.

I still don't know what caused it. I have my suspicions, but that's all they are. I know what works to keep him symptom free and do my best to follow through with that, but he and I are good with it. And it feels good now. If I could offer any advice at all it would be to just let it go-- all of it-- the guilt, anxiety, frustrations, anger, disappointment. If you believe in God, just put it in his hands. I'm a Catholic and every year we have a healing mass at our parish. Last year I went with Tigger (and at the time he was well on the mend). I went so that he could get annointed with oil. He did. The priest annointed him and then moved on. After all the sick were annointed Fr. Pat asked if anyone was left that hadn't been annointed. I raised my hand. It hadn't dawned on me until that moment that I should even consider myself. I realized as I stood there with my hand in the air and everybody looking at me that I had been denying myself for over a year in order to 'save' my son. The experience was very powerful for me and when he annointed my head and placed his hand on it and prayed for me I finally forgave myself and just 'gave in'. I felt such a tremendous feeling of love and acceptance that it made me cry. So I went there with the intention of helping my son but I left having been healed myself. From then on I have had a different attitude about everything.

I say this for all the moms out there lurking who never post, not just for you. Don't let the guilt eat you up inside. It is what it is, and in some ways these tics make our kids quite extraordinary for having this 'cross to bear'. A lot of negative energy gets wasted on guilt and regret.


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