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Anyone else only see a tic increase while eating?

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My ds had started a new tic involving his neck/jaw area. Can't really explain it, quite frankly, but I see it more intense while he's eating or drinking. I just thought it was something to muse about. This whole tic thing fascinates me and frustrates me at the same time! Also, he has a loose tooth and I noticed this tic start about the same time he mentioned the tooth. Unfortunately, this tooth isn't anywhere near ready to be pulled out yet!


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I find the eating and bedtime reading tics to be the most prominent/last to go away.



Yeah, me too. Of course, now he's still doing it since dinner. Most of the time I see the increase at meals and then just periodically through the day. I just wish I could get this supplement routine to work for him. I'm still in trial and error mode and I sometimes feel like I'm making it worse!

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