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Good Morning

Has this happen to any of you...and does it stop when the cold stops??? My son has been doing really well...just a few hand jerks--hitting his leg, which is tolerible but he just came down with a slight cold now he is constantly sniffing or snorting as I call it...blowing out his nose...It is so constant and driving me crazy and he complains of his nose hurting all the time... Would this be something that wnen the cold gets better the noises might stop. I hate to take him to quiet places such as Church when he is doing this... it just sounds horrible... Thanks for any input :lol:



Hi Mary,


My husband said he had this tic as a child. He has an allergy to dogs and that is what set his sniffing tic off. He did say that atfer awhile he did stop on his own because it hurt and he just did not want to do it anymore. I totally understand about church my son has to sit out where the babies cry because his vocals are sometime loud and non stop.




Ahhh, yes, wow...the snorting/sniffing tic is my younger son's main tic. He is PANDAS, so, it always increases with any cold/illness. Actually, we always know when he is coming down with something because he will wake up one day with a major increase in snorting/sniffing. A couple days later...the physical manifestations of his illness appear. The snorting/sniffing stays with him for several weeks, and then dies down to almost nothing as his antibodies to the illness go down. I just tell people, if necessary, that it is just someting he does when he is sick...no biggie.




thank you both for your replies... I am hoping it soon ceases... I guess it bothers me more, because I just hate noises... I like things quiet :) so i get frustrated quicker... anyways he is at a friends house last night and today so i am not sure how he is doing...hopefully better. But you know thinking back I noticed he started sniffing right before the cold came, I thought it was from alot of swimming he was doing....he must have been getting ready for a cold :) something to watch for next time...if i hear him start sniffing I am going to give him lots of vitamin c and hope it knocks it out before it starts :) Again thanks for your comments :)




sniffing & coughing tics can sometimes follow a cold. again that "tic where it is felt" phenom

my son definitely "catches tics" :)


I noticed you said a lot of swimming? my son has MCS (multiple chemical sensitivity) and chlorine is something he is hypersensitive too. just something to keep an eye on in case your child may have reacted to it too


I thought of the chlorine too because it seemed like after swimming he did a lot of nose noises but the pool he was in when he was doing it uses no chlorine...they have some other kind of system to clean it, and our pool is small and I don't use alot of chlorine in it either...now my parents have a big pool and they do but he is not in it everyday...but it is something to watch for :) Thanks




sniffing & coughing tics can sometimes follow a cold. again that "tic where it is felt" phenom

my son definitely "catches tics" :)


I noticed you said a lot of swimming? my son has MCS (multiple chemical sensitivity) and chlorine is something he is hypersensitive too. just something to keep an eye on in case your child may have reacted to it too

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