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We're thinking of listing our house for sale but I know that moving can be a stressful event for all of us and I'm sure worse for those with anxiety and tics. I'm wondering if anyone has had experience with moving and your child making it through(or not!), etc.

Right now we're seeing minor anxiety that he seems to get under control pretty quickly and tics, as usual.

I'm just afraid that moving may set in motion a whole new ball of wax, so to speak! I want to avoid this issue but at the same time I think we really need to move(it's a long story!).


Just to update: we are on some neurotransmitter support products comprised mostly of taurine, Vitamin B6, 5-HTP, L-theanine, and the Kid's calm. I will be adding the omegas this week and also giving a calcium supplement. After weeks of taking these products I still don't see a change in the tics in ds. I see his anxiety getting better, though, so that's a HUGE bonus for us. We also have him in therapy for CBT, but he's been doing so well that the therapist is kinda wondering why we keep coming back. I keep him in it b/c I want him to be accountable, to write out his worries, etc.


It's funny: this AM he had a bit of a worry and was crying as soon as he came down the stairs. I told him to write the worry down in his "thought journal" and then we could discuss it. Well, I left the room and came back 10 mins later and he had NOT written a darn thing! I said, "Well, I guess your worry wasn't big enough to write down so it must not be bothering you anymore". And, he agreed and went on his day, nary a word about it. Hmmm, I wish all his worries would go away this quickly. Kids sure do make life interesting!






We're moving this summer too -- about an hour from here, more space/better schools. I'm really scared. I decided to tell the kids as early as possible; so we talk about it at bedtime every night. My kids are 5 and 7 so I will look for kid books about it as well. We are trying to give them as much input as possible too, so they feel like they have some control. (They want a bigger yard!)


Will you be moving to a new school district? How old is your boy?




We are also thinking about moving. However, within the same school district. I have been house hunting with my kids and they seem to be excited about the move.


My concern is that my kids have environmental allergies which i believe is one of the factors for my son's tics. I tried to find locations that don't have too many trees around. I hope we find a place.






Great Plains has an airborne allergy test (blood) that tests for trees/shrubs/pollens/danders/molds . . . I don't remember how many, but there were a lot of trees on that test.



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